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A/N: I have changed the lyrics to Roses further down to suit this imagine, if you don't like that, I'm sorry.

On a more positive note, I'm back from the chasm of inactivity, I must have been inspired by Shawn's recent activity online.

Finally, thank you for nearly 400 reads on this book, you guys are amazing...

That's all for now, enjoy my lovelies 😊


Sofia's P.O.V

It was the first night of my boyfriend Shawn's tour. I was beyond proud ! He would be touring 44 different countries and I would be there with him every step of the way.

Backstage all the gear was being set up, sound systems, racks with all the different guitars that would be used and members of the team running around with clipboards, ensuring everyone was in the right place.

"James to stage in 2 minutes" called a crew member.

He smiled at me placing a hand on my shoulder before crossing the dressing room and heading towards stage.

Shawn appeared around the door.

"Good luck tonight man." James wishes Shawn, bro hugging him before following a crew member out towards stage.

"You too." Shawn shouts after him. Shawn closes the door.

"I'm so nervous about tonight," Shawn began to rub his hand on the back of his neck whilst pacing from one side of the room to the other.

"Shawn ! Stop." I say firmly placing my hands on his shoulders and standing in his tracks.

"Breathe in... and out" I instructed counting to three in between. "All these people are here to see you rock that stage so you go and own it like I know you will"

He followed my instructions and in one swift move his hands dropped from his neck to around my waist and his forehead rested against mine. A small chuckle escaped his lips.

"You're beginning to sound a lot like Andrew." He breathed against me.

"Sound like what ?" Andrew's head poked around the door of the room. "Hey Shawn I know it's the first night of the tour, and you've probably been to the bathroom countless times, but you've got this !"

"Heyyy, if it helps," defended Shawn

He was cut short as he neared the end of his sentence, the crowd erupted into cheers and the arena began to shake under the volume: The intro.

Shawn gave me a final peck on the forehead and scooped up his guitar from the stand.

"I love you baby" his voice comforted as he left the room.

"Right-io," said Andrew "Let's get you seated Sofia."

Andrew passes his clipboard to a team member outside Shawn's dressing room and leads me down a series of tunnels until we emerge at a set of doors where we sit behind the sound control box.

The twangy intro begins to echo around the arena and I see the top of Shawn's head emerge from a trap door in the stage. The wave of sound crashes the room. Eventually, Shawn stands on stage and begins to sing.

I wanna follow where she goes,
I think about her and she knows it,
I wanna let her take control,
Cos' every time that she gets close yeah...


The night passed and all was well, I may have even let out a few fangirl-style screams myself, I mean bad reputation really gets me going.

The end came about, before Shawn began, he allowed the arena to settle, to the point you could hear a pin drop. He swivelled his guitar so it was hanging around his back and stood closer to the microphone, taking it into both of his hands, as to caress it.

"I've been holding something off, something that, now looking back, seems silly of me to do, but I guess I'd put it down to nerves or busy schedules or something," He laughed into the microphone "I'm about to perform a little number I've been working on, that I've never played to you guys before. Sometimes things get a little too much but this tour has made me realise how much you have value the people that are there in your day-to-day lives. That why I'd like to call up my beautiful girlfriend, Sofia, to the stage." The crowd erupted into cheers as loud as when Shawn came into stage.

The excitement allowed me time to navigate to the main stage, awaiting the song. Shawn took my hand as I got to the top step of the stage and he rotated his guitar back so that it was front facing.

"This is all for you, Sof" He whispered to me as the crowd settled.

"It's not finished, so bear with me guys" Shawn addressed the crowd again. He began strumming some soft chords, looking me directly in the eye.

It's not that I'm afraid I'm not enough for her,
It's not that I can't find the words to say,
When we're together, she seems happier,
Cause baby, I'm in love, and here to stay...

How many times can I see your face ?
How much farther can they keep us away ?
I just have to let you know...

A flurry of red rose petals began to fall around us, tears brimmed my eyes and the lights of the arena began to glisten in my peripheral vision.

I'm not trying to start a fire with this flame,
But I'm worried that your heart might feel the same,
But I have to be honest with you baby,
Tell me if I'm wrong and this is crazy,

Shawn got to one knee and swiftly picked up a single white rose petal reading "Marry me" with a beautiful diamond ring shaped like a rose embedded into it.

"Sofia Richards, will you marry me ?"

Once again, the arena erupted.

The tears that had built up overflowed and I sobbed, covering my mouth and looking out to the crowd.

"Yes !" I blubbered out, barely aware that I had made a sound. "Yes, I will marry you !"

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