Chapter 21: The One With Her First Bakery Trip

Start from the beginning

"You're so sweet."

"We played peek-a-boo, and I blew raspberries on her belly after I changed her diaper. I read her a book and we rocked, but she kept grunting and stiffening out—"

"Yes! Ugh, she does that when she thinks we're trying to get her to sleep."

"She does, doesn't she?" he laughs. "But when she got antsy we came back down here and I made her have some tummy time thinking it would wear her out, and I was right. She got fussy so I put her in the swing and she calmed down and I watched as her eyes fluttered shut. I kissed her on the forehead once she was a goner and came in to make breakfast."

"You're amazing. I knew you'd be great with her but you've surprised me, Peeta Mellark. You're the most amazing dad to our little girl and she's so lucky to have you. She already loves you so much, I can tell. Her eyes get big when she sees you or hears your voice. She's going to worship the ground you walk on! And she doesn't even realize that she hit the jackpot with you."

"Why do you have to say things like that?" he says, clearing his throat. "You have no idea the effect you have on me."

"What? Everything I said was true! I love you so much. Just as much as you love me."

"Not true."

"Peeta, I'm not letting you pull the whole 'I loved you first so I love you the most' crap anymore."

He jokingly groans and I roll my eyes.

"Get over here," he commands. "Eat breakfast so we can go do something."

I listen to his command and take a seat at the table. In front of me is my usual fruit bowl, but instead of oatmeal or another food I've been eating a lot of to help keep my milk supply strong, I have two sunny side up eggs and a slice of wheat toast cut in half.

"I have my appointment with Dr. Roman today," I remind Peeta.

"I remember," he smiles his sleepy smile. "I was thinking we could do something as a family before you had to go."

I pick up my fork to prepare a bite to eat when a familiar scent reaches my nose. I look over to see Peeta peeking at something in the oven.

"Are you making cheese buns?" I ask.

He closes the oven up and stands tall.

"How'd you figure that out?"

"The smell."

"I wanted it to be a surprise," he pouts.

"It is! I haven't had any since Willow was still in the NICU."

"I know, I wanted to make them for you."

"Is today something special," I ask and then my eyes get big. "Did I forget our anniversary again?"

"No," Peeta chuckles. "You didn't forget again."

I breathe a sigh of relief, "Then why all the nice gestures? Letting me sleep in, making me cheese buns..."

"Don't laugh."

"No promises."

"Well, the whole letting you sleep thing kind of just worked out because I wanted to play with Willow. She's just getting to be so fun. I love when she—"

"Peeta," I interrupt, knowing he's trying to distract me so he doesn't have to say whatever it is he was going to say.

"I wanted you to wake up in a good mood so you'd have a good day." 

"That's all?"

He nods.

"You're hiding something," I furrow my eyebrows at him.

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