The parade

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I look up at my black high heel leather boot from my crouching position as the man that I kicked under the chin with my heel falls backward. I stand up and look at my black phone and see that it's 3 o' clock 'shit! I'm going to be late!' I quickly run the rest of the way through the alley, and find myself right at the place I need to be. "Amalthia! there you are!" I here my best friend Saya yell at me even though we're like. five feet away from each other though I guess it is kinda hard to hear what with all the marching bands playing. I quickly run to the front of the crowd to try and catch a glimpse of the whole reason I'm here. My little sister is on the color guard for my school and I see her in the back of our schools marching band with the rest of her team, they swing their flags around like no tomorrow in complete secronisation her face a image of pure joy. Her grey eyes twinkling with happiness, her pink lips stretched In a grin, her beautiful golden hair in a high pony tail that falls in perfect curls all the way to the top of her butt, perfect teeth gleaming in the light off the sun and the giant almost football stadium lights that rain down on the street. This parades being put on national television and in my opinion my sister is the most breathtaking of them out there. " Go Venus!" I screen to my little sister yes her name is Venus got a problem? She may only be a year younger then me but I protect her like a mother bear would her cubs. Though its kind of pathetic why you ask? Because I'm envious of her. she has perfect hair, teeth, grades, everything. and then here comes along big sister body guard Amalthia. with my straight black hair and dark sapphire eyes a pale almost pasty complexion and a vice the rolls off me that just screams 'fuck off' I really do seem more like a body guard then a sister. but that's all right as long as she's safe I'm good.

She passes and I head with Saya to her white pickup truck and i take out my writing journal and start to write.


Hey guys! just wanted to saybhi and thanks for reading this! it really makes me happy! Well over and out!

- Hells_Will

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