My Passion Will Take Flight!

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When I was a little girl my parents told me to follow my heart and never give up on my dreams... unless it was to write, they never have liked the idea of just sitting around all day just putting words down on a page. But being the rebel that I always have been even as a young child I was fascinated about it. Besides I have always had a creative streak but they thought that I would let it out as an artist or a singer .But never an author. I started small with poems and little scenarios in my head then as the years progressed I just couldent help my self I started writing them down my teacher's praised me to high heavens and when my  they called my parents in they acted like they were proud of me but I could feel the shame and dissapointment in me rolling off them in waves. This is my story. The story about my dream. My Passion Will Take Flight!

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