"What are you doing here?" I sassed.

"We need to talk." He said in a serious tone.

"No. We don't." I said as I was about to close the door in front of his face when he walks in passed me.

"Where is she?" He asked looking around my house.

This can't be good! He knows!

"Where's what?" I asked pretending that I don't know whom he's pertaining to.

"Don't act like you don't know whom I'm pertaining to. Where's my daughter?" He asked again this time facing me and walking towards me as I took a step back with each step he's taking until I feel my back on the wall.

He put his hands on both of my side, trapping me as he press his body to mine. My heart rate beats faster and I panted. I feel myself breathing so hard like I'm running out of breath as he leans forward, brushing his nose on my neck. I feel myself sweating and it takes every ounce of my strength to push him away.

"Go away, Anthony! Your not welcome here!"

"How could I not when the mother of my child lives in here."

My blood boiled and anger rans through my mind. How dare he! Is he even sure that Athena is his?!

"How can you be so confident that you came here to claim that you are my daughter's father?" I asked, bravely.

"She got most of her features from me, Josephine. We both know that." He answered.

This time I froze and my mind seems to explode.

"But that doesn't mean she's yours!"

"Then tell me, Josephine, who is the father of your child?" He asked, professionally as he look straight into my eyes.

"That doesn't corcern you." I said looking away from him and looking anywhere avoiding any eye contacts.

"You're a horrible liar, Josephine." This time he really made me mad.

"And you're an arrogant asshole who only wants sex!" I shouted. I wanted to throw the first thing that I hold but I remember that it would wake Athena when something break.

"Whatever, sweetheart." He said, ignoring my anger. "I'm just here to pick you two up and bring us back home."

"You're here to what?" I asked in disbelief. First of he wants a divorce for me being boring in bed and now he's here to say to come and pick us up. Is he insane?!

"First off you told me I'm boring in bed and you want me out of you're life and now you're telling me that you want me to get back in your bloody mansion!" I shouted at him.

"I never told you to get out of my life." He sighed. "Look, I know I made a mistake and I would forever regret it-"

Forever. That's what he said when he confessed to me that he loves me and will love me forever.

I didn't notice that tears were falling down until I saw his hand reaching to my cheeks and wiping it with his fingers. His hands sends shiver down my spine as I felt my knees weaken.

I slapped his hand away and wipe my cheeks angrily.

"That's what you said when you promised to love me forever but after 4 months you already wanted a divorce cause I'm boring in bed and I don't please you!" I hissed as hurt and angry tears roll down my cheeks.

"Tell me, Anthony. Are you also gonna win my daughter's heart and take her away from me?"


"Ahhh!" Athena screamed and I quickly rush towards her room to see her crying. I ran to her and hug her.

"It's alright, Athena. Sshh..." I soothed and I ran my fingers through her blonde hair and to her back. I hum I began to rock her back and forth. "Don't cry now my love. Mommy's here."

"Mwommy...why..are... you... crawing." She asked as she touch my cheeks.

"It's nothing, sweetheart." I said and wipe my tears away.

"Mwo-mmy, what- i-is h--e do-oin he-here." She stuttered in between sobs as I look at the direction she's looking at. There stood a few feet away from us is her father, whom she didn't know and didn't see in her 3 years of growing up.

"Just go to sleep, love. It's still too early." I kissed her forehead and lay her down as she close her eyes.

She's fallen fast asleep and so I stood up. I look at her angelic face one last time then look at Anthony. He's still standing on the same spot from the moment Athena saw him.

I just walk passed him and stop right outside of Athena's room. I heard his footsteps and the door creek from behind then it gently shut close.

"She might be your daughter, Anthony, but you gave her to me when you made me sign those divorce paper." I breathed and I started to cry again. Angry of the fact that he wants my daughter.

"Josephine I-"

"Just leave, Anthony. I don't need you nor does she needs a father like you." I spatted the words bitterly and made my way to my room without glancing back towards him.

First Chapter up!

07-20-17 10:00 am

My Ex-Husband at My Brother's WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now