Chapter Six.

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"Want to play never have I ever?" I questioned as he looked at me with a puzzled look. "It's a game. I'll say something that I've never done and if you've done it, you get a point."

"Okay, but what happens if you get a point?" Tony asked as he looked over as me from his sun tanning chair. We'd been swimming for a couple of hours now and had decided to stop for a snack and then head back into the water when we felt ready.

"Well, that depends." I smirked lightly as I'd played this game many of times.

"On what?" He raised his eyebrow.

"How we want to play." I replied simply. "Theres different ways of playing. Some play that who ever has the least amount of points wins the round and the winner gets a favour from the loser. But there's different versions."

"Hmm." Tony hummed lightly before smirking. "First person to ten loses."

"And what happens if we lose?" I asked with questioning eyes.

"The loser has to be the winners slave for the rest of the day." Tony smirked as I rolled eyes playfully.

"Okay." I chuckled nodding. "You start."

"Hmm." He hummed again. "Never have l ever kissed a guy."

"First off, that's not fair." I laughed lightly as he looked at me expectantly.
Tony; 0. Elizabeth; 1.

Sighing, I put a finger up to indicate one point. "Never have I ever had sex with a girl."

Tony squinted his eyes at me with a playful smirk. "First off, that's not fair." He mocked as he chucked up one finger.

Tony; 1. Elizabeth; 1.

"Okay." He smirked. "Never have I ever had sex with a guy."

I looked over at him, blushing lightly as I continued to only hold up one finger. He looked over at me, a frown slightly across his features. He pulled down his sunglasses and looked over the rim at me with a raised eyebrow.

I smiled shyly.

"You're a virgin?" He questioned gently as I looked down in shame.

"This was a bad idea." I commented with a chuckle. "Yeah, I am."

He blinked for a second before saying anything. I raised my eyebrow at him, waiting on a response. He stared with questioning eyes and I grimaced slightly, feeling uncomfortable.

"So you've never..." He trailed off curiously. "Done... it?"

"Nope." I responded honestly with a shrug.

"I just assumed..." He responded, continuing to stare at me.

"Three years of friendship and you never thought to ask?" I asked lightly as he shrugged his shoulder.

"I just thought since all the guys at school drool over you because of how beautiful you are that the chance would have come up." He smiled gently as I blushed furiously.

"I didn't say the chance never came up." I grinned widely as I winked playfully. "None of them were the one I wanted."

Driving to take a quick dip, I removed myself from my chair, smiled lightly and dived back into the lake, splashing Tony lightly.

Tony's P.O.V.

"What about our game?" I desperately called with a chuckle as she bobbed her head to the surface.

"We can finish it later." She called with a smile. "We both have one point."

I flicked her the thumbs up as a response before pushing up my sunglasses and watching her intently.

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