Chapter Twenty Six

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"You're crazy", Brown says, stepping on the brakes and looking at me from where I'm loading my gun in the passenger seat. "You are one hundred percent crazy."
"That is correct." I bob my head in agreement, polishing the dark metal with the fabric of the shirt Morona gave me this morning. "I am one hundred percent insane."
"I don't think of you as insane", he replies. "Just crazy."
"What makes you say that?", Gemma asks form the back seat. "She's insane."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting the same result", the detective responds, looking back at my friend in the review mirror. "Theresa does the same thing over and over hoping for a different result. Therefore, I see no reason to consider her insane."
"It's all just a state of mind", I murmur, talking to myself more than anyone in the car. "Sometimes the voices just win."
"What?", Gemma asks, poking my shoulder. "What are you babbling about?"
I lean back in my seat, thinking as I reply, "What if everyone has different voices talking, but the one you hear when you think is the one that screams the loudest? What if people who hear more than one aren't actually crazy?"
"That's deep shit", Detective Brown says finally, pulling the car keys out of the ignition. "You can figure that out when this mess is over."
I nod my head, keeping what I'm thinking of from bursting out into the open.
There's not going to be an after for me.
"We'll be here", Brown tells me, pointing at a large boulder up ahead. "If anything goes wrong, we'll have your back, I promise."
I nod my head, quickly checking to make sure my second gun is hidden in the back of my waistband before wrapping my arms around Gemma's shoulders, giving her a gentle squeeze.
"Thanks for helping me the night we escaped from the asylum", I whisper softly into her ear. "You're my best friend, one of the only people I trust with my life."
"Calm down, Theresa", the woman says back, just as quietly, gently forcing me away from her. "You're not gonna die."
"Anything can happen." I stare intently into her green eyes, a part of me silently begging for her to understand what I'm going to do. "I just wanted you to know that. Just in case."
"In that case, you're my best friend too", Gemma pauses, then looks at the darkening sky. "It's sunset; you should get going."
I nod , holding my unhidden gun tightly in my left hand as I brush past the monster seeing woman towards the entrance of the base, taking a deep breath to calm myself as I stroll towards the place where I can slowly see people's figures coming into focus.
No one speaks or moves towards me as I keep walking, stopping a few feet away from Jake and the rest of the terrorists, my eyes on the man I hate so much, grinning to myself as I look at his arm in a sling.
"Where are they?", I say finally, raising my weapon and taking aim. "I'm here, so let them go."
"They've already been released", Jake chuckles. "I'm sure they've already found that detective and your other friend from where they're hiding behind that pitiful rock."
"I want proof, jackass. Your words mean nothing to me", I spit, cocking the pistol. "You have ten seconds."
He sighs and tosses a cell phone at me with his good arm, which I somehow manage to catch by some miracle, keeping one eye on my enemies a single turn on the device, clicking on the screen as a video pops up.
Noah, Samantha, Kylie, Morona and Sylvia running out of the base via a different entrance and sprinting towards Gemma and Detective Brown.
I sigh in relief before throwing the phone onto the hard ground beneath my feet, cracking the screen as I return my full attention to my former lover.
"So, Theresa", Jake smirks. "Are you ready to finish this?"
Hey guys,
Still slow and short updates, I know. Anyway, I'd like to ask for a favor. I'm going to be a part of an inspirational quotes, poems and other heart lightening things here on Wattpad with a couple other people. There is information in a book called Warm And Wild Thoughts and it's on Lashrita 's profile. If you could check that out I'd really appreciate it.
Love you all!
- Elise

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