09. Mixed Emotions

Start from the beginning

As Ella removed her hands, Freda said with her soft, sweet tone:

"His Grace has requested of your presence."

You are his precious significance because he is one obsolete plain ceiling. Without you, there is no meaning! A triumphant voice inside Ella's mind cooed with excitement causing Ella to grin mischievously.

"For dinner," Freda said as if taking Ella's quiet, thoughtful expression as a misunderstanding of what she actually meant to say, which wasn't quite wrong in that matter.

"His Grace has requested you for dinner." Freda finally said altogether.

Of course! Dinner has finally arrived. Thank the Heavens! I am starving! Ella internally rejoiced because to remember, all she had was breakfast and a lunch that consisted of just bread – which was satisfying but wasn't enough to fill Ella's empty stomach.

Or is it an empty heart? A voice cooed in Ella's mind making her come back to reality.

"Right." Ella only said as she thought back to Him, finally realizing that she had awfully stumbled upon him today in town.

Why was he in London? A strange thought occurred to Ella as she pondered upon it. So far as she knew, but did not care, he was supposed to be in France, attending to his many mistresses.

As if France was the only place he'd bed so many. Ella thought dismissingly not caring at all about the damned man.

"Because in time you will realize that you need me."

Amos's words floated back into Ella's mind out of the blue which only caused Ella to frown deeply at what he said and how he said it.

Oh, rabbits! Ella thought absurdly. What had become of her today? With her unpleasant encounter with Him added on to her already unpleasant, forced life with the Duke, Ella never knew that her life would turn bizarre in a dash but that's where she knew she was wrong.

Of course, you know! Him is the damn reason why you are the way you are today. Or so. A voice in Ella's mind retorted.

Damn Him! Damn the duke! And the damn this whole bloody deal! Ella internally fought with rage.

Then an idea popped into Ella's mind, and as Freda stood silently in her place admiring Ella's adjourned expressions for a quite a moment of silent contempt but fascinating perspective, Ella finally said with the idea blossoming with such mischief:

"Freda," Ella said looking at the ceiling. "Can you please prepare a warm bath and the best gown for me?"

Ella internally thundered with excitement. She had no idea what brought her into such state, although she actually did but did not quite think about the matter.

Looking back at Freda, Ella said with a sweet, conniving tone of voice, grinning slyly in the process:

"I want the Duke to see me as his precious significance. That he is the one who needs me."

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

It was a long process but was finally accomplished.

After Freda and Lizabeth had prepared Ella's bath and Delia prepared for Ella's requested 'best gown', this time Ella took her time to enjoy the relieving warmth of her bath. She did not care to be punctual at this time, besides the Duke did not request for her presence immediately or urgently so Ella only took the time in preparing her wondrous plan in mind.

With the help of Ella's three maids, Ella finished her bath and began to dress to impress. Or at least what she hoped would be successful in the end. It was a long, hard and very tedious process but it was all a grand success in the end. Ella took the time to analyze the outcome of her appearance and was most gratified that it was beyond to what she had expected.

"You look wonderful, Ella," Freda said happily as she and the other two maids took in also Ella's appearance. "The Duke would be taken away at the sight of you. Although, he already has."

Ella smiled gratefully at Freda's compliment. She couldn't help but agree so much with her although she despises towards nobility and wealth still remained, Ella felt that it wasn't so bad.

He would definitely be taken away. Ella thought.

Wealth. Power. Nobility. Keep reminding yourself that, Ella. Another voice echoed in Ella's mind.

As Ella expressed her gratitude to the three ladies, she finally left to arrive at a dinner that was long requested for Ella's presence two hours ago. She knew the Duke wouldn't be so happy judging by his impatience as a maid would frequently arrive at Ella's chambers to inform her from the duke what was taking her so long and to come down at once. It all sparked Ella's ego and mischievous plan even more which was the result of her appearance that evening.

Finally arriving at a very luminous dining hall with the music in tow, the brightly lit crystal-like chandeliers hanging beneath the high ceiling, and a very large dining table filled with already cooked and luscious food, Ella couldn't help but notice the Duke's look of impenetrable silence which she perceived to her understanding as he was fighting off an enraging wrath forming within him.

However, Amos's internal wrath eased into internal flame. A flame hot with desire as he saw her.

It was then when Ella saw the flaming in his eyes did she smile ever so mischievously before saying:

"I see you've waited patiently."

With that said, the duke not only flamed with desire but he was burning with fury, a fury of hunger. Hungry he was but not for food. He was hungry for the rare beauty standing before him in an ever so sly manner, twisting him in so many ways imaginable that only he knew were to be true.

"Shall we eat?" Ella asked with a husky and conniving tone of voice as she seated herself on the far end of the dining table.

Oh, how Amos wished the dining table was shorter. He so definitely wanted to eat, but not food. He wanted to eat a particular rare beauty who sat before him in a conniving manner staring back at him whilst waiting for his response which was only a vicious and a hungry stare. Figuratively speaking if it were in that matter.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Hello, my fellow well beings!

I hope you're still there supporting this story! And if you are then thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you sooooo much! Almost 10K views and 549 Votes! I am so thrilled! This chapter is dedicated to an amazing friend of mine Cowbelle90210 ! Make sure to check out her story! Sorry for the slow update!

Question(s): What are your predictions of the next chapter? Or any upcoming chapters?

I love you sooo much!

Your sly fox,

Miss Riah

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