Chapter 19

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{Carter's POV}

When Ally saw her mom a look of, what I can only describe as confusion, flashed across her face. I smiled as her mother embraced her tightly. They stayed that way, clutching each other for, I don't even know how long. I see tears slip down Ally's face as she smiles. She pulls back from her mother and gives her a puzzled look.

"Wait. How are you here? What happened to you? How'd you get me out? Why-"

"Aliyah, baby, I know you must have a million questions. But, let's go one at a time." Her mother smiles.

"Okay. How did you guys get me out?"

"Well, it wasn't my idea. In fact, before Carter and Blue came to ask me for help, I thought you had died all those years ago." She says. "But, we broke in. There weren't many guards on duty so it was easy to break through. Carter had gone before us but they brought him into that room."

"The room with the window." Ally says.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"He was forced to watch when they injected you with whatever serum was in the syringe. After you, passed out, my closest friend, Alex, lifted you and we carried you here." She finishes.

I put my head down and stare at the floor. They continue to talk silently, until Ally asks her final question.

"So, why did they take you away? The Captain, said that they had to kick you out of the city. But, why?" She asks.

Brie looks over at me with cautious eyes. She hesitates at her answer.

"Um, well, it's....complicated." She says. "You see, Aliyah. When you were born, I was so happy. Even when we found out you were immune, I still loved you. More than anything in the world. But, they didn't kick me out, because I gave birth to the one human immune to the serum. In fact, you aren't the only human immune. They kicked me out, because I'm immune, just like you." Ally's eyes were wide, but I kept a sober face.

"But, your hair and your eyes! How-"

"See, unlike you, I was born with naturally dark hair and blue eyes. So, they never knew I was immune. I didn't even know I was immune until I started showing signs of my powers. Things started moving. I was about ten years old. We kept it a secret but because I was so injured the day of the accident, I couldn't control it. They discovered and kicked me out." She says.

Ally is silent. Her mom smiles and looks at me. She nods slowly and stands.

"I think you two need to talk for a little bit." She says leaving.

Ally looks confused but doesn't argue. I sit in the chair closest to her. I grab her hand and our fingers intertwine.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Yes. I'm...I'm more than okay. You found my mother." She breaths happily.

"Blue did most of the work." I say back.

"Where is Blue?" She asks. "I wanna thank her."

"Remember, she's in another room. She got shot in the shoulder. It's no big deal, it went through. Didn't take long for them to patch it up." I say.

"Jesus, Carter, you need to go see your sister." She tells me.

"She's not my problem. She can take care of herself. Besides, she's not the one that was knocked out for a week." I joke.

"Then I have one more question. When can I get up?"

"Well, we can call in the nurse and ask her?" I suggest.

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