Chapter 17

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{Aaliyah's POV}

The door to my cell opens but I don't move. I feel hands on my arms and I'm being lifted from my bed and out the door.

"Let me go! Get off!" I shout.

I try to use my powers but they're still not working. They carry me, thrashing and screaming, towards a white room. They throw me in the chair and try to lock my hands in. I break free of one and punch him across the face. I try to run but my other hand is locked in. The other pins down my hand and seals the lock tight. They lock my feet in next.

"Get me out of here!" I yell at them.

My hair falls in sweaty tangles around my face. I look around and notice that there are rows and rows of surgical supplies and needles. I start to panic and pull at the leather restraints. They dig into my wrists, chaffing them so bad that they bleed slightly. The door opens and the Captain walks in.

"Hello again, Miss. Scott." He says.

"Get me out of here, now." I say.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that. You see I'm not only a Captain, but I'm also a scientist. My plan is test what makes you immune to the serum." He says pacing in front of me.

"Why? What does it matter to you?" I ask.

"My dear, you are a young girl. An unexperienced, young mistake. What could you possibly do with these intense powers rather than me? An experienced adult?"

My eyes go wide as he walks over to the counter and washes his hands. He puts on gloves and grabs a needle. He fills the syringe with a dark green liquid.

"What is that?" I ask shrinking back.

"Just something to make this easier." He says.

He points the syringe towards my arm and I struggle to get my hands free.

"The more you struggle, the more this will hurt." He warns.

I don't stop pulling at the restraints. He stabs the needle into my arm and I cry out. I feel the liquid enter my veins. My breathing slows and my vision goes blurry but I can't sleep. My body feels heavy, like someone piled weights on top of me.

He ties a cord around my arm and inserts a needle and a tube. He presses something and I see my blood run through the tube. I feel it. It hurts but I can't cry out or fight back. I can't do anything but lay here. After he's done, he detaches the tube and places a bandage over the part where he took the blood.

"Take her back. I'm done." He states.

Then, two men wearing white come and unlatch my restraints and carry me under my arms back towards my cell. I still can't fight. So, they just throw me in. I lay on the cold hard floor unable to move. I can't close my eyes either. Whatever drug he injected me with is supposed to keep me awake. The way my head is positioned I can see under my bed. Of course there's nothing there. I do get a look at my wrist, though. My skin is rubbed raw and is bleeding. Not heavily but enough to make my fingers red and sticky with the blood. The bandage on my arm is starting to soak through with blood. He must have been hasty to get that tube out. I mentally laugh to myself. I'm a mess. I'm bruised, bloody, bandaged and scarred.

I just want to go home. I want to go back to Micah and Blue. I want to go back to Carter. I don't know what they're doing. I don't know where they are. I don't even know if they're hurt, alive, dead or starving. I start to get feeling back in my body. I move my fingers and they tingle with the sudden movement. My eyes begin dropping, so I drag myself onto the bed and pull the blanket over me. I close my eyes and sleep.

I wake again to people coming in. I push myself back against the wall and grip the bed. The same men come in a grab me by the arms.

"Stop please! Let go of me!"

"Shut up. You should know we got one of your little friends." The one says.

"I don't believe you." I growl. "Let me go!" I yell thrashing.

They carry me into a different room. They throw me into a chair and strap in my hands and feet, just like last time. I pull at them, bloodying my wrists even more. I light switches on and I see a long window in front of me. It's dark and I can't see if anyone is in there or not. I can sort of hear sounds from the other side. Shuffling, then faint shouting, then a door slamming shut. I hear pounding on the window in front of me. I pull at the restraints but nothing happens. The door opens and the Captain walks back in. He's rolling in a tray with a single needle and some bandages and cloths.

"What is that?" I ask.

"You'll find out." He says.

I pull at the restraints some more. I know it's useless but I don't know what else to do.

"Right before I inject you with this I will flip a switch, and you get to see who's behind that window." He says grabbing the syringe.

I push back in the chair as he gets closer. Tears sting my eyes but I can't show that I'm weak. He puts the tip of the needle against my arm. He pulls gun to my head.

"Don't try anything and this will be over before you know it." He warns.

My breathing speeds up. A wave of nervousness hits me. I know what he's doing. I know that someone is behind that window. He flips the switch and he's standing behind the window.

"Carter?" I say.

The liquid enters my veins and sends a horrible pain through my body. I cry out and grip the arms of the chair. Tears slip down my cheeks and I grit my teeth to stifle another scream of pain. Sharp pains move from my arms to my feet and then to my head. It's like someone is pounding a hammer inside my body. The pain is excruciating. I can't take it! I can't take it anymore!

"Please, make it stop!" I cry. "Please!"

He doesn't answer me and continues to write things in his notebook. The pain is fading. Slowly, but it's fading. I lean my head back against the chair. I take short, shaky breathes and my body shuts down. I can't move. Something isn't right. My head rolls to the side but I can't pick it back up. I see out of my eye that Carter is turned away from the window. His hands are over his face and he's walking to the back wall. My eyes shut, but I don't sleep. I can't open them, again.

I hear shouting and pounding. Then gunshots. The door is thrown open but I don't know who it is. The restraints are unlatched and someone picks me up.

"I got her! We gotta get out of here!" The person carrying me shouts.

In the midst of all the action, somehow I manage to go unconscious.

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