Part 7

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...Shanaya and Abhimanu spend the day together after they had become an official couple; they were enjoying each and every moment with one another and wished that the day would never end. Once they had left Maratha Mandir Abhi was extremely happy he decided to treat her to lunch; he didn't tell her where they were going and made her sit in a taxi while he whispered to the driver about their destination.

"Not fair Abhi...please tell me..." she sulked as he came and sat beside her.

"It's a surprise Shanaya...I'm not saying..." he grinned and put his arm around her shoulder.

She looked into his eyes as their heads were very close and she was speechless; three hours ago when she had left home she did not think this to be the outcome of their meeting but she was more than happy.

She could not help the tears from streaming down her cheeks once the movie had come to an end and to make it even more special Abhimanu kissed her gently taking her by surprise. Her first kiss with the love of her life at the end of her favourite movie; what else could she ask for.

"Abhi...what you said during the interval..." she looked deep into his eyes and he nodded for her to continue; "...I have all the same feelings for you...I wait for your calls every night and as soon as my eyes open the next morning I think of you...and I call you...just to hear your voice...being away from you for two months felt terrible...I know that at any moment I wanted I could have met you but I was waiting for this special moment...and you made it all worthwhile...I really love you Abhi..."

"I know what you mean Shanaya...I felt like that everyday...for you to take back your word and we would just meet up because we lived quite close...but then I thought of this moment...and I was planning my speech since then..." he touched his forehead with hers and smiled; "...and now that you're with me I'm never going to let you go..."

She closed her eyes and snuggled closer to him for the rest of the journey. Awhile later they arrived at their destination and Shanaya was surprised as she stepped out of the taxi. After paying the driver Abhimanu got out of the taxi and stood behind her; he placed his hand on her waist and steered her forward; "Let's have lunch..." he smiled widely at her.

"Here..." she turned to look at him and he nodded; "The Taj Hotel..." she was still in shock.

"Come on..." he walked her along and they went into the hotel restaurant.

The asked for a table for two and he helped her into her seat then sat opposite her while she continued to look around happily; "You know Abhi...I've always wanted to come here...I remember telling mum and dad when I was young that I wanted to come here some day...and it just slipped from my mind...I didn't remember...thank you so much..." she looked at him.

"You're welcome..." he said with his dimple denting his right cheek slightly making her fall deeper in love with him; " what will you have?"

"Okay..." she said getting down to business and looking at him seriously; "...I love my food you know that I'm going to go with the buffet..."

"I'll join you..." he added.

They enjoyed their lunch together talking about the film that they had just seen all over again...

...Later on that evening; after they had a stroll along the beach, Shanaya; with a heavy heart; decided that it was time for her to go home. Abhimanu didn't want to let her go but he knew that she had too and cheered her up with a promise to meet up again the next day. That brought a smile to her face and she told him that she would speak to Priya about him; he felt slightly nervous but did not let his emotions show as he hugged her goodbye and watched her settle down into the taxi; she waved bye to him with a happy smile...

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