- Birthday Surprises -

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Anthony's POV
"So ive been thinking and i kinda been thinking about having a surprise birthday party for Andrea. I know it may sound like a little too much but I just wanna go all out just to let her know I appreciate her and all she's done to stick with me after all these years."

"What are you gonna get mommy for her birthday tomorrow?"

"I gonna get mommy a card. She said while playing with her dolls Andrea bought her for Christmas."

"I smiled. What is it gonna say?"

"It's gonna say happy birthday mommy."

"I smiled and picked her up. What do you think daddy should get mommy for her birthday?"

"I think daddy should get mommy and pwetty pink car with a big bow on top!"

"I laughed. Ssssh! You can't tell her about it!"

"She nodded while still playing with her doll."

"How about a black car with a big red bow?"

"Mommy like that. She agrees."

"Okay. Let's go to bed now. I said while putting her in the bed and tucking her in."

"Night night. Love you daddy!"

"Night night. I love you too princess. I said while kissing her forehead and leaving out."


{9:43 am}

"I walked into Ariels room and saw that she was no where near sound asleep so I picked her up. You made your card for mommy?"

"She nodded. Mhm."

"Okay. Let's go."

"I walked to Andrea's side of the bed and Ariel jumped in the bed."

"Happyyyyyy Birthdayyyyy!!!"

"She jumped up. Awwwe thank you baby. You scared  me. She laughed. What are y'all doing up this early?"

"We came to wish you a happy birthday. She said while holding up her paper she'd been coloring since last night."

"Awe , baby what's that you have in your hand?"

"She smiled and handed it to Andrea. It's your present."

"Awwww sweetheart. That's sweet. Im gonna hang it up on my wall. She said while kissing her cheek."

"Daddy got you something better."

"Oh he did? She said while looking at me."


"Well what is it?"

"Let's get up and see."

"I handed her her robe and her flops and leaded her to the garage door."

"Close your eyes and don't look."

"Okay okay i'm not looking."

"Ouuuu. Pink daddy pink."

"Sshhh. You gonna give it away Ariel."

"Okay ... You can open your eyes now."


"I laughed.What is it ?"

"She wipes her tears. Idk."

"You didn't take the paper off yet so how do you know what it is?"

"She laughed and walked further into the garage."

"Baby you didn't! She whined."

"You like it?"

"Yes! I love it! How'd you know i wanted this?"

"A little birdie told me and i decided i'd deliver it."

"Ariel put you up to it didn't she?"

"I laughed. Sure did."

"Give mommy a high five baby."

"Ariel walked towards her and clapped her hand."

"So when can we test drive it?

"We can do that right now."

"Then let's go!"

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