-2 Weeks Later-

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Anthony's POV

"So it's been 2 weeks since Andrea's recovery and we just became closer. We dont nag about small things anymore. I think it's good that we've gotten closer. I just appreciate her so much. I know I'm not the best but she's hanging in there and that's exactly why I love Andrea. She's not like most girls. She actually likes me for me and not for what's in my wallet. She's no ordinary girl. She's my baby and I love her and will be there to support her in any and everything and if I have to give her my heart , I will. I'll do anything for that damn girl man."

"Hey baby. She said while walking to me."

"I smiled. Hey, Wassup?"

"She sat beside me and started crying."

"I scooted close to her and embraced her. What's wrong baby?"

"She looked up at me. I didn't realize you loved me that much Anthony."

"I wiped her tears already knowing what she was talking about. Yes, Andrea. I love you more than that. I don't care if I have to give up my whole life for you, I will do it because I love you."

"She smiled. I'm glad I met you."

"I pecked her chin. I'm glad you did too, baby. I said while kissing her. It's gonna be okay."

"She nodded and kissed me back. Did you call my mom?"

"Yeah, I called her after the surgery. I didn't tell her every little detail but I told her you was okay because I didn't want her to be in the hospital either."

"She laughed. Yeah, you're right .. So what's the plan for the summer?"

"Hmm. I haven't really thought about it. What do you wanna do?"

"Idk. I kinda wanna go somewhere to relax my mind."

"Where would we go?"

"I dunno. We could maybe get a room or something. I haven't had a break in a while, Ant."

"I'm sure I could find the perfect spot. So when we going?"

"Idk. I haven't really put that much thought into it."

"Well think faster so I'll know when to call and book us some rooms."

"I just feel like we all should have more bonding time with each other, you know?"

"Yeaaahh we haven't really been able to do that though because you are always working."

"Ik ik. I have to keep the lights on and stuff baby. I can take off a couple days."

"Well I'm all for it whenever you make up your mind to go."

"Okay but how's your mom?"

"She aight I guess."

"You guess?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Why that?"

"We haven't really been talking since she accused me of being the cause of my father leaving her."

"Aww...Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really baby."

"Sure? I'm all ears right now and I've got nothing but time on my hands."

"I sighed. I know. I just.... you
"Don't wanna get all emotional about it? I understand. I'm here when you're ready."

"He smiled. Okay. I love you."

"I love you too Ant."

"Where's Ariel?"

"I'm hoping she's still in her bed."

"I walked in the room and she was sound asleep."

"I still can't believe we have a baby together. After all those years we spent together I never thought this would happen."

"What's that supposed to mean? She frowned."

"Not like that. I'm saying. We came a long way from where we started baby."

"She smiled and closed the door. She's so beautiful."

"I smiled. Just like her momma."

"She blushed and kissed me."


Anthony's POV

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I just have to do my makeup."

"I walked to her. What? You can do that in the car. I'm ready to go Andrea."

"But baby I never go out without makeup."

"You don't need it. You're beautiful without it. Now let's go."

"She smiled. Ugh , okay okay."

>> Will be skipping some POV's to get to certain parts of the book .<<<

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