Chapter 2 (The Castle/The Deal)

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"D-Discord?" Apple Dawn stammered, her ears flicked back and her eyes wide. She did NOT like the way he was looking down at her. It scared her half to death.

Discord smiled evily at Apple Dawn, his red eyes glinting. "I see you recieved my invitation. Come, I wish to discuss a private matter with you, and you alone." He turned to leave, signaling her to follow him.

Apple Dawn rose to her hooves weakly, and fluttered her wings as she followed Discord into another room, a spare room. She came to a halt when she saw something small amd shiny in Discord's lion paw, it looked like a ring.

"I'll strike a deal with you, Apple Dawn.." Discord began. "I'll stop wrecking havoc on Equestria, in exchange for something.."

Apple Dawn blinked, then spoke. "I-In exchange for.. what..?"

"Oh, nothing special. Just control over the elements of Harmony so they can't be used against me, and.." Discord smiled evily, noticing how scared Apple Dawn looked. "..a bride."

Apple Dawn gasped in alarm. "A bride?! For Celestia's sake, why do you want a bride?!"

Discord chuckled, and Apple Dawn shuddered at the sound. "Come now, you don't think living alone in a castle for thousands of years would make you lonely?"

Apple Dawn blinked, then sighed. "I suppose you have a point.. But.. Who would you choose, if you don't mind me asking..?"

Discord looked over. "Why do you think I asked you to come talk to me about this..?"

Aplle Dawn took a moment to process what he had said, becore her blood ran cold. "Oh no, you don't really mean-"

Discord growled as he used his lion paw to grab her face and lift it up slightly so she could look at him. "Oh I'm serious, Apple Dawn.. I'll leave Equestria alone for good.. If you agree to be my bride."

Apple Dawn pulled free of his grasp and backed away, her eyes narrowed as she growled. "Give me time to think it over." When she saw Discord nod, she sighed weakly and turned to leave the castle. She couldn't possibly marry him!

It was Discord, the lord of chaos she had just been talking to, an evil tryant who deserved no love at all for how he acted.. right..?

Apple Dawn walked out of the castle and into the forest as she sighed softly.  She kept pace as she entered town doon after, and headed over to Twilight's library to tell them what was going on.

She entered the library and was surprised to see that Twilight, as well as the rest of the mane six, had been in the middle of the room, talking in hished voices about Discord.

"I don't want that tyrant coming near my baby," Rainbow Dash hissed. "Unless he wants to have his tail ripped off!"

Applejack nodded while nuzzling Rainbow, and Fluttershy looked over, trying to be reassuring.

"Discord's been reformed, girls. He wouldn't try anything evil anymore, and he's friends with Apple Dawn."

Twilight sighed. "How can we be sure that-" She looked over to see Apple Dawn in the back of the room, and smiled. "Apple Dawn! We we're just talkimg about you. So, what did Discord want from you?"

Apple Dawn blinked. "He uh.. Well.." Her ears flicked back as Pinkie Pie growled.

"Did he upset you?!" The pink mare snarled. "Do I have to go over there and whack him with my rubber party mallet again?!"

Apple Dawn sighed. "No, Aunt Pinkie." She saw the pink party pony relax as she sighed. "It's just.."

She looed over to both of her mothers and their friends. "Discord agreed to leave Equestria alone if he was given a bride. And.."

Rarity looked up. "Well what did you say, darling..?"

Apple Dawn blinked. "He.. He wants me to be his bride.."

The girls all gasoed in alarm as Rainbow snarled. "I'm not losing my baby to that.. that tryant!!" She spat, furious.

Apple Dawn sighed. "I asked him for time to think it over, nothing more, nothing less. And I decided to tell you all first before I agreed to anything, since I don't want to take any chances."

Twilight sighed. "Well, thank you for telling us, Apple Dawn. I'm glad you told someone about this instead of dealing with it on your own. Who kmows what Discord could have done if you said no.."

Apple Dawn smirked. "Like he'd ever try anything with me! You guys have nothing to worry about, I promise."

And with that, she walked out of the library and off to the farm, leaving her thoughts to wander as she womdered what she would tell Discord the next night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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