Chapter 1 (The Farm/Everfree Forest)

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It was early morning on Sweet Apple Acres, but only one pony seemed to be outside and starting their day already.

A young pegasus mare was walking around Sweet Apple Acres, her magenta eyes shining as she smiled. Her coat was a pale blue, and her blonde mane and tail had streaks of red and orange in it. Her cutie mark just happend to be three red apples on a cloud, hinting a bit at her past. The mare's name was Apple Dawn, and, althought she didn't look like it at first, she was actually very timid and easily frightened.

Apple Dawn sighed as she went about her daily chores,which included sweeping the barn, feeding the goats, cows and chickens, and cleaning the stalls after giving each farm animal enough food and water for half the day. She would come back to re-feed and water them at sundown, just like she always did.

Or rather, like she used to.

Strange things, mainly nonsensical pranks, had been occurring on the farm for a while now, and Apple Dawn had begun to wonder what kind of mindless prank she'd fall victim to today. She walked over to the mailbox amd opened it, only to yelp in alarm as a cream pie came hurdling at her face. It connected and she let out a gag as she wiped the creamy confection off her face in disgust. She looked back to see a note in the mailbox as well, and picked it up in her hooves, carefully reading it.

"So sorry about the cream pie incident- I hope I didn't make you upset. Anyways, I wish to discuss something important with you, so you stop by my castle if you want, it's not like I'm busy or anything, Apple-butt.


Apple Dawn sighed softly after seeing this, and then rolled her eyes. She brushed off her hat and smiled before trotting off towards the Everfree forest, which was on the other side of town. She had a long way to go if she was going to meet with Discord.

Apple Dawn broke into a run once she made it across town, a saddle bag slung over her back as she hurried through the bustling but small area. She ran into her parents, or rather, mothers, and gasped. "Woah!"

She skidded to a halt as Applejack smirked. "And where are ya off to in such a hurry, Dawn?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "You keepin' secrets from us again, squirt?"

Apple Dawn blinked, then smiled. "Why of course not. I'm just meeting up with a friend is all."

She pushed past both her mothers as she huffed. "I'll be back before sundown, okay?"

Applejack sighed softly. "Alright, Dawn. Just be careful."

Apple Dawn smiled. "I'm always careful." She proceeded to leave town after picking up what she needed at the market, and then heading off towards the Everfree forest. She made it towards the border of the forest and sighed softly, as her magenta eyes widened slightly.

"Aw geez, Discord.." She breathed out as she heard howling in the distance. "Why did you want me to come out here.. by myself..?" She shivered and her ears flicked back as the howling got closer, and she quickly ran though the forest in a panic before she made it to Discord's castle.

The entire area around the castle looked normal, but the inside was just alive with color. Filled with checkered light pink and baby blue tile all over the rooms, it looked almost like the cotton candy clouds Discord was known for making.

And when she set hoof inside, it was all distorted and wavy. Since it was techically in another dimension, it proved to be too much for her to handle, and she blacked out, collapsing onto the floor with a dull thud. She didn't even hear the hoofsteps approaching her before she closed her eyes.

When she awoke, she was laying on a couch in the living room, and a draconequus was bent over, towering over her with an evil glint in his red eyes as he grinned. She looked up, her eyes wide as she stammered his all too familiar name.


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