Reason 5: She Weak

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Reason five. She. Is. So. Weak.

Let's just be honest here. She can't do anything. Hinata got more body strength than Sakura does, and do you wanna know why? Because Hinata worked herself to the bone, ordering both Shino and Kiba to attack her with everything they had for the sole reason that she wanted to be better than she was.

Sakura though? Nah.

The stone-breaking thing that Sakura-defenders always rush to point out isn't even her own strength. It's derived from a jutsu. It isn't her, it's chakra. Lee and Guy could do stuff like that with one hand, with nothing more than the brute strength they worked hard to have.

And the she-defeated-Sasori argument is also false. She didn't defeat Sasori. Granny Chiyo did. The only thing Sakura did was say, "Yo, you wanna control my bod since you ain't got no puppets."

So even though Sakura's body helped in the defeating of Sasori, it never would have turned out that way had Chiyo not been there to control her.

I shouldn't even have to mention these next ones, but I will because I take great pleasure in pointing out the places where Sakura did nothing.

1) The battle with Zabuza (num 1) - Sakura stood in one place.

2) The battle with Zabuza (num 2) - She cried over Sasuke's 'body' before she even checked for a heartbeat.

3) The battle with Orochimaru - She watched Naruto fight.

4) The battle against the Sound Ninja - she cried. Oh, and she watched Lee get hurt, that little trashy pink-haired (expletive).

5) The Preliminaries - she stood around, had an overly-dramatic flashback and got knocked out.

6) The battle against Gaara - She got pinned against a tree and crushed. Was used to rile up Naruto.

7) The battle against the Sound Ninja Four and Kimimaro - Nothing because she wasn't freaking there, that ho.

8) The battle against Pain - She cried.

I think you guys get the point.

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