Dragon Diarys - Bianca Airesus Arc (Not revised/All parts together)

Start from the beginning

Other uniforms Bianca uses is usually the same thing she wears now, but in all black, a Kung Fu uniform, a blue dress, and urban street wear when she was with the Triad.

Athleticism - When Bianca began training, she kept going at it until she got stronger and or bested her previous results, regardless; she keeps on going to improve constantly. Her strength, agility and speed have been improved. Bianca's training had led her to be near Olympic levels of athleticism.

Excellent Marksmanship - Bianca was trained to the point where focus is key to solving problems and maintaining complete concentration; this also comes into play when she learned to throw objects on to a target. She is trained in archery, which easily transition to being able to use firearms, as well as disarming and removing clips or cores from hand weapons. Bianca has enough marksmanship to get a hit on a target or to tag someone with relative ease.

Highly Intelligent - Bianca has a high genius level of intelligence due to how she was raised by her mother, in addition, the Mozart Effect was used on her and her older brother prior to their birth. Bianca began speaking when she was just age 2, and was introduced to orchestrated music and was learning an instrument when she was young, as age 3, she learned very early on basic to advanced level math and literature. As she grew older, Bianca was deemed too smart for the schools in Thailand, hence why she was moved to a school in China, but it still wasn't enough. Bianca was smart enough to go to an advanced university or school by the age 12, but despite how smart she is, she thinks that schooling is a waste if you know everything you need to know and improve on it, hence why Bianca didn't continue going to school months after she had escaped Black Shadow. Bianca is an accelerated learner, and she is able to pick up things and learn them in a shorter amount of time. Her accelerated Development played a role in her picked up things easily when exposed to Robotics, Engineering, mechanical studies and other studies technologies. Bianca persistent focus comes from her mother, the drive that pushes her to be mentally strong. Bianca's mother had

She is quick and nimble for her height and has been training non-stop to reach. Her signature moves: Flying Drop Kick, Roundhouse Kick, and Palm Strike. Bianca uses several fighting styles, swiftly shifting into these styles or mixing them up to created her own fighting style; Hybrid Martial Arts, several styles which she has learned before she turned 11.

Styles learned/known childhood and onward: Muay Thai (Primary and stance), Krav Maga, Boxing/Kickboxing, Judo, Wing Chun, Taekwondo, Jujitsu, Thai Chi, Mix of Militarized Training (Lerdrit), Silat, Shorin Ryu, Bojutsu, Kung Fu, Karate, Bagua Zhang, Ansatsuken, Variation of Shaolin Monk fighting style

Operating as The Thailand Ninja

Prior to becoming The Thailand Ninja, Bianca had gadgets that were used to strategically deal with situations, tactfully takedown opponents or by force.

Created/Acquired Gadgets

The Cat's Eye (single eye goggle visors) - A multifunctional visor created by her, which she calls The Cat's Eye. It covers the just a single eye. It acts as a scanner, a terminal computer, an encrypted personal communicator that has the ability to contact and connect with other communication devices, and detection of specific objects (usually weapons) and a lite heat signature scanner in order for the wearer to see their opponent from several feet away; even through walls if said target is close to the wall as well as the user who is on the opponent side.

The Ghost Belt - A devices that uses three-dimensional fields, high-refractive-index polymer (HRIP) Technology that Renders the user nearly invisible, provides Camouflage, but isn't immune to heat signatures. It generates a small force-field around the wearer's body. The device also has panels to collect solar energy. When there is power in the belt it will render its wearer completely invisible, however if low or out of energy, the wearer will still be invisible, but will be slightly visible when moving, showing somewhat of a rippled bubble effect.

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