Mercury: It would be better if Neo wasn't fucking dead.

Cinder: That's enough you two. With the white fang calling apart and Salem on my ass you two better hope everything goes according to plan our I will kill you myself.

[Time skip to team RWBY's first fight of the tournament]

(Y/n) was in his new combat uniform with his light saber on his right side and his M1911 (unsupressed) on his left. The team stood in the middle of the arena with their opponents team ABRN. The match was about to start.
A girl with bright neon green hair pointed at (Y/n).

???: He's mine!

Oobleck: Begin!

(Y/n):*fires a couple rounds hitting her hover board* Damn she's quick.

Weiss was dealing with one of the monk looking team members, and Ruby fought the other while Blake took on a guy with neon pink hair.
The girl moved faster and faster closing in on (Y/n).

(Y/n): Come on, let's see your CQC skills. *ignites light saber*

???: What the fuck?! *board is destroyed and is force pushed of of the arena*

Oobleck: There's one down for team ABRN!

(Y/n): I should move on.

Weiss: (Y/n)! Could use some help here!

(Y/n):*lays down covering fire*

Weiss: Perfect! *freezes the girl monk's feet to the floor* (Y/n), your turn!

(Y/n):*Electrocutes opponent*

Oobleck: That's two down! What a great match this is! Let's see how the rest of the team fares!

Ruby: I need he- *gets hit in the head*

Oobleck: And now we have our first member of team RWBY knocked out of the fight!

(Y/n): Weiss, you take care of him while I go help Blake!

Weiss: Got it!

Blake: I'm not doing to well! *her opponent knocks Blake on her back*

The monk held his staff above his head and was ready to finish Blake off and even the playing field. (Y/n) jumped front of her and cut the bow staff in half.

(Y/n): Your ass is mine! *force pushes opponent out of the ring*

Oobleck: Ladies and gentlemen we now have a three on one match!

(Y/n) jumped into Weiss's fight and stabbed her opponent in the shoulder ending the match.

Oobleck: What a spectacular match we had today! Now onto the doubles rounds!

Weiss: (Y/n), I had him!

(Y/n): You should look at your aura level.

Weiss's aura level was in the red. Had (Y/n) not gotten involved, she would have surely been knocked out.


Mercury: That kid mopped the floor with team ABRN. Maybe this will be harder than we thought.

Cinder: We'll see how he does in the doubles. If he's too much of a problem, we'll use more drastic measures.

Emerald: Should we still carry out the plans with the explosives?

Cinder: Make sure they're primed and ready durring the singles round.

[Day two of the tournament]

Port: Welcome back to day two of the Vidal Festival Tournament! Today starts the doubles rounds. Let's get out first match up underway.

Oobleck: Up first is team RWBY versus team FNKI! Hope we get to see the same amount excitement as yesterday's matches!

Weiss: You ready, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Always.

(Y/n) tuned out Weiss's conversation with one of the team members. He could tell it wasn't a happy talk, but that didn't matter. He would be first out of the ring.

Oobleck: Begin!

The guy in the other team was about to blow on his trumpet when (Y/n) force dashed into him. Up close and personal. Destroyed the trumpet with a single cut of his lightsaber.

Weiss was busy with the girl on team FNKI. She was quick and elusive. Weiss couldn't get a single shot on her. But her opponet wasn't able to harm Weiss either.

(Y/n) saw that Weiss's foe was wasn't paying attention. He held her down with the force and let Weiss get a critical blow on the enemy.

Oobleck: Our first knockout goes to Weiss Schnee from team RWBY!

Weiss: Look out!

In the time that it took to get the first knockout, the other enemy used it to pull out a couple throwing knives. As one knife left his hand Weiss used her back as a shield.

(Y/n): Weiss!

Weiss: I'm fine. Just finish him off. If for some reason I don't make it, take care of Blake. *knocks out*

(Y/n):*thinking* He might be one of the people responsible for the attack!

???: Heh, next. *throws knife*

(Y/n) pushed the knife back toward his foe. The world watched as the knife hit his eye.


Port: Can we get some medics down there? We have two stab wounds!

Weiss and the two students from atlas were sent to the medical wing and Ironwood, Ozpin, and (Y/n) had a talk.

Ironwood: You think he's one of them, Raider?

(Y/n): Yes sir. I'll continue my search and report,back with any developments.

Ozpin: If he isn't an enemy of the state, he'll still be charged with attempted murder.

Ironwood: And in addition, instead of just finding the enemy, you are now tasked to search and destroy. As swift and silently as possible. Understood?

(Y/n): Yes sir.

Ironwood: Dismissed.

(Y/n) stayed to watch the rest of the doubles rounds when he noticed Emerald and Mercury acting shady. He decided to follow them. After the last match had ended they hid in the arena, waiting for it to close.

(Y/n):*calls Ironwood* Sir, I've found two of the individuals plotting against the state. Can I engage?

Ironwood: Try to find out what they're planning first, the dispose of them.

(Y/n): Yes sir.

A/n That's all for this chapter, hope you all enjoyed! And expect a Reader x Goodwitch coming soon!

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