Chapter 4: The Third Discussion - Contentment

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I close my eyes a bit and open them slowly. I see the bus ticketer now seated on the second row. Charlie coughs softly and straightens his position.

"Will you mind sharing me a story or your experience about contentment?" He questions favorably.

"Might as well do. This is supposed to help me right?" I let him remember. He smiles and giggles a bit. I lean and relax myself. I rested my hands in my lap.

I tell him of that time when I was with my boyfriend Curtis. We loved each other so much to an extent we would give each other what we desire. I was 24 during that time.

Curtis never failed to make me happy. He would buy me food and we would eat together. He was always so sweet. Curtis never failed to surprise me during special occasions. He was willing to give me anything just so I could be happy.

After 2 years of our relationship, Curtis proposed to me. It was very memorable and special. We were cuddled up on top of the building watching fireworks light up in the dark sky.

"The moment he knelt down in his knees, I began to cry. I loved him so much. Just so much." I feel my eyes water with tears.

"He asked me if I could be his wife. I was so stunned at that moment." I shook my head desparingly. Tears started streaming down my face.

I didn't accept his proposal. I realized days before that he didn't deserve me. Heartbreakingly, I mostly loved Curtis because of the material things he gave me. I didn't really loved him for who he was. It was the worst thing I could ever do to a person. I realized my love for Curtis was a lie. A lie. How can I love someone for th material things he gave me?

"I'm sorry, Curtis. But I can't." I fall down to my knees gripping his hand so tight. I cried. Hard. I explain to him why I couldn't marry him. He left me just kneeling on the cemented floor. I felt so sorry for myself.

I sniff and wipe the tears away. Charlie looks at me and places his arm in my shoulder letting them draper there. He pulls me closer to him and I hug his body.

"I'm so stupid for doing that to a person. I felt like I used him just so I could get what I wanted."

"It's okay, Paige. Everybody makes stupid mistakes. You can start over and make things better than they were before." Charlie responds with a soft toned voice.

From that memory, I guess I needed to know the value of contentment. I was so blinded by material things that I completely forgot to love the person.

I wanted to change. I didn't want to seem like using people. I learned that I should be conten with what a person can give and has. Material things don't matter.

In this world, most negotiations are concerned with money. These things aren't really important.

In the end, people are more important than material things. We shouldn't choose cheap substitutes to love because the will never satisfy us and make us happy.

After all, all we need is love.

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