Truce... Almost

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            The walk back to camp is miserably silent as Ignis leads us back to the haven like an angry father with his two misbehaving children. I tug on my clothes as I go; Gladio makes a point of keeping his eyes directly ahead of him. Prompto and Noctis stop all conversation upon seeing us, sensing the obvious tension. I toss my wet towel to the side and crawl into the tent behind Gladio, laying on the opposite side of the tent.

There's a long, dead silence that surrounds the tent, broken only by the hum of more pleasant conversation outside. I push my hair up onto my pillow and off my neck, huffing at the feel of the wet material on my back. It's already getting colder as the sun sinks lower on the horizon, leaving the tent bathed in desaturated colors. Gladio stays against the opposite wall with his hands folded behind his head and his eyes shut. It's pretty clear he hasn't fallen asleep yet when he speaks quietly.

"Think we pushed it?" he asks.

"We?" I raise an eyebrow, propping my head up on my hand and turning on my side to face him. "I think you were going for the big buttons today."

"I'm still sticky," he mutters, opening one eye to give me an accusatory look.

"That was my big hurrah," I huff. "And even then, I wound up breaking my arm."

"Not my fault."

Another stubborn silence consumes us for a few minutes. Then a shudder racks down my spine. The combination of the cool air, my wet hair, and the crackle of the fire outside really start getting to me. I don't want to lose this battle of wills, but...

"You cold?" Gladio asks, glancing at me.

"A little," I admit, staring up at the ceiling. He nods, awkwardly shuffling his way across the short distance and laying down to my right. I raise an eyebrow in question.

"How about we never do that again?" he says finally, finally turning to face me.

"Sounds good to me," I nod, hiding my smile. I hold up my pinky. "Truce?"

"Truce," he chuckles, linking his little finger (which is at least three times bigger) with mine. We hold the symbol of agreement for a moment longer before dropping our hands. Grinning, I close my eyes, snuggling closer to the heat of his chest. It's just a bit weird... but I'm cold so.


The next morning, I drag myself away from Gladio, groaning miserably. Too much heat. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and grimace at the sticky feeling on my arms. That stupid jam...

"What time is it?" Gladio grumbles, sitting up. I turn on my phone, sighing.

"Ten thirty." We're both falling out of our early-morning habits lately. Even Noctis has left the tent.

"It's hot," he huffs, swiping at his dripping face.

"Getting sandwiched between me and Prompto'll do that," I shrug, forcing myself to my feet and shuffling out of the tent.

Ignis wordlessly hands me a plate with eggs and toast, though his approach is much gentler than it would have been last night. With a grateful nod, I shovel my breakfast into my mouth to satisfy the angry grumble in my stomach. Noctis continues packing his things, checking his phone occasionally. I swallow my mouthful of food and motion toward the haven.

"Where's Prompto?"

"He just left to put the bags in the Regalia," Noct replies, turning around and sitting to start at the ashes of the dead fire. "Should be back in a sec." I nod and move to take another bite.

There's a sharp scream that stops me in my tracks. Ignis frowns, looking in the direction of the car. Hardly seconds later, Prompto comes sprinting wildly through the trees. Gasping for air with his hands pressed to his knees, the blonde chokes out his words breathlessly.

"There's a... a... in the trunk," he wheezes.

"A what?" Ignis asks, crossing his arms. My heart stops. I completely forgot about... Oh no. I set my plate on the ground slowly and carefully get to my feet.

"A... saberclaw," Prompto forces out. "It was eating... Cup Noodles..."

"Cup Noodle?" Gladio demands, stepping out of the tent.

"That's what you care about?" Noctis raises an eyebrow. "Not the screaming?" Gladio shrugs indifferently.

"A saberclaw," Ignis muses, pinching his chin thoughtfully. I very slowly back away toward the edge of the rock. "But how would it get in?"

"Who opened the trunk last?" Noct asks, looking around at us. Instantly, four pairs of eyes point at me in accusation. I laugh nervously, lifting my hands innocently.

"What? N-no, I didn't put a... a saberclaw in the trunk. That's ridiculous!" I defend weakly.

"You gave it my noodles?" Gladio growls. I turn on my heels sharply, sprinting to the end of the haven. My collar slams into my throat as I'm jerked back by the back of my shirt, forced to dangle beside Gladio.

"Hey!" I yelp, struggling against his grip.

"She just doesn't learn," Prompto shakes his head, crossing his arms. A hint of a smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth.

"Indeed," Ignis agrees, pushing his glasses up higher. "What should we do, Highness?"

"Guys, c'mon," I plead. "It wasn't on purpose!"

"I think I have an idea," Noctis replies smoothly. I gulp nervously upon seeing the devilish grin that pulls across his face.


"You know, I really don't like being crushed by all this stuff," Prompto says, his voice muffled.

"It's worth it," Noctis replies, calling back to me, "Right, Rayne?" They laugh when I don't reply.

"You think she'll be alright?" Prompto asks, a hint of concern laced in his youthful voice.

"Yeah," Gladio chuckles. "The ride's short and that thing's not gonna make a move."

It better not. Even in the dark, I can see the outline of the saberclaw that's growling next to me. I never knew the trunk was this wide, but even with the space, me and this frightened beast are far too close together. What the heck kind of abuse is this? There's a thud on the top of the trunk.

"You alive in there?"

"Yeah, make a sound if you're okay!"


I grunt as Ignis slams on the break, the car coming to a rough stop. My stomach turns, tightening uncomfortably and my friends laugh. Sadistic little...

"Yeah, she's alive," Noct affirms.

"Ow! Ignis, Gladio hit me!"

"Gladio..." Ignis warns.

"Wait, let's get another selfie on her phone!'

The saberclaw snarls, flashing its fangs and letting its rancid breath float through the small compartment. I sigh, reaching up to massage my jam-covered temples. I knew I should've stayed in Insomnia. I glance up at the saberclaw.

"Wanna kill me?" I ask half-hopefully. My only response is a weak growl before it closes its eyes and dozes off. I sigh. "Of course not." Following the creature's lead, I curl up as best as I can and close my eyes, drifting off to the sound of friendly bickering and terrible puns.

The unfortunate sound of home.

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