As Kurt and Santana arrived back at the hotel she couldn't wait to see her baby boy. Brittany ugh she just hates her now. How is she supposed to make friends in a new city when Brittany doesn't trust her enough.

"You should forgot about her and let's go out for the night." Kurt said as the Latina was unlocking the door to the penthouse."come on San it's our last night here and we should go out to a club or something just to do something fun." Kurt pleaded with his baby blue eyes.

Before Santana could even answer Devin came running from the living and wrapped his arms around her legs.

"Hey baby," Santana said unwrapping Devin arms from around her legs to pick him. "Did you have fun with uncle Blaine?" She asked him as she showed him with kisses causing him to giggle.

"Umm huh we even got my hair cut." Devin said nodding his head as Santana finally realized indeed Blaine took him to get his hair cut, she was thankful for that and at least his dirty blonde hair looks like a different color for now.

"Hey Kurtie,"Blaine greets his husband and kisses him.

"So I was telling Santana here we should go out to a club or something since it's our last night in town." Kurt says as they all sat down in the living room together as Devin went back to watching Power Rangers.

"Oooh that's not a bad idea San."

"See!" Kurt said with an excitement " and plus we can't forget what happened earlier with your so called wife." He said rolling his eyes.

"What happened earlier? Did you guys see Brittany?" Blaine asked while looking over at the Latina who was avoiding look over at the two guys who was sitting across from her.

Long story short Kurt ended telling Blaine what happened earlier and about meeting Santana mystery woman and how Santana was smiling and giggling like a little high school girl around the the blonde.

"Let's do it!" Blaine says clapping his hands.

"I don't have a babysitter for DJ."

"Don't worry about him, I can ask one of the staff to watch him till we get." Kurt said walking out of room.

Great I hope tonight go better than this morning. Santana said to herself as she gets up to look for a dress for tonight.

"Quinn!" Kitty shouts out as she walks to the blonde office where she was sitting and thinking about the Latina. She was too busy dreaming about her beautiful face and lustful lips and sexy curves that she didn't hear Kitty calling her name out. "Earth to Quinn." The younger blonde says while snapping her friends as her roommate.

"Sorry, what's up and why are you dressed like you a hooker?" Quinn asked smirking to herself while Kitty just rolled her eyes.

"Funny you wish you can have this." She said motion her hands towards her body.

"I'll just ask Marley." She said winking at her.

"Whatever," Kitty said rolling her eyes again." But Rachel wants a girls night out and I thought you could come out with us." She says biting her lower lip praying and hoping she will say yes.

She could use a night out and forget about what happened this morning at the cafe with the Latina and her wife. Then maybe she wouldn't be thinking about her so much.

"Yeah that's fine but I have to head home first." She shutting down her laptop before grabbing her backpack.

"Great, and have you taking your meds yet?" Kitty asks as the older blonde was locking up her shop.

Nodding her head yes Quinn then hopped into Kitty's car.

After the girls made it home Quinn quickly took Alexis out for a walk and to use the bathroom. Yes after everything what happened after the car accident Quinn still has Santana puppy, well she's not a puppy anymore but still she still have their first baby after all of these years.

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