Chapter 3

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Faith's POV

Cascades of rain pour from dark clouds, casting a dreary light upon Monday morning. An occasional streak of lightning stretches across the sky, Mother Nature's signature. Despite the storm there is at least one beautiful spot to this bleak morning: freshly baked cinnamon rolls with sweet sugary icing, the crowning jewel.

Sliding on my zebra patterned oven mitts, I pull eight round gooey breakfast treats out of the oven. Placing the baking tray on the cooling rack, I slide off my mitts and snatch a spatula. Depositing two rolls onto my plate, I grab a napkin and a fork then set them on the kitchen table before opening up the fridge to grab some cranberry juice and my icing. Pulling both out of the fridge, I almost drop the juice when I notice the lid to the icing is askew.

Dumping everything onto the counter, I tentatively open the top only to find, to my abject horror, that half the icing has vanished.

Flinging my body away from the counter, I march into the hallway leading toward the two bedrooms and bellow "Natasha! Where is the rest of my icing?" Natasha saunters out of her bedroom, Robin's egg blue eyes wide in the picture of innocence.

"Are you accusing me, the heath nut, of eating the icing from your cinnamon rolls?" Her lips pull up in a cocky half grin.

I cross my arms in front of me and widen my stance, blocking her path to the kitchen. With an air of deathly calm, I speak slowly, "Oh dear cousin, then why is there a dot of icing on your cheek?"

"What?" Frantically she wipes at both cheeks, muttering 'crap,' light skin flooding with a rosy peach color.

"Ha" I shout, throwing up my arms in victory, "You do have a sweet tooth!" Shuffling back and forth I do a quirky victory dance before I remember I'm agitated. No one comes between me and my baked goodies.

"I don't have enough icing left to cover them appropriately. My breakfast is ruined." My petulant tone of voice and my deep frown garners a look of concern from my roommate.

Leaning forward, her long arms envelope me in a giant hug. "I'm sorry Faith. I should have asked your permission, groveling before you O Queen of the Cinnamon Rolls." I hug her back, mumbling "oh shove it" before releasing a pent up sigh which carries so many emotions: irritation, confusion, exhaustion...

Tossie releases me to place her hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look her in the eye. "This isn't like you Faith. You never raise your voice and despite your love of sweets, you always offer to share even if I decline 90% of the time. Talk to me."

Too embarrassed to admit that my overreaction to missing icing has to do with a guy, I shrug silently and attempt to change the conversation. "So, how about breakfast before work?" I try to duck out of her hold but she has an iron-clad grip, rooting me to the spot.

"Uh uh, spill. Now." Jaw locked tight, eyes diminished into slits, Tossie can be one intimidating woman. Must be part of what makes her such a great personal trainer and PTA; she doesn't accept any bull.

Throwing my hands up towards the ceiling, I 'throw in the towel' and all my frustration comes pouring out, crackling and exploding like a firework. "It's him. Ever since you forced me to look up who my mysterious rescuer is, all I see is his face everywhere I go. He's on the cover of a magazine in every grocery store, his movie poster is plastered on at least two Billboards I have to pass each work day, and his ridiculously perfect face and body haunt my nightmares."

A moment of heavy silence engulfs the two of us before Tossie is forced to release her hold on me to let out belly-rolling laughter at my expense. "Cuz, seriously, you're yelling about missing icing because you are dreaming about a hunk?" Her vast amusement does nothing but fuel my aggravation with one Zade Parks.

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