Prologue: Psalm 34:16

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THE SIGN READ: THE FIVE RULES you must READ, ACKNOWLEDGE and agree to FOLLOW before entering this bar:

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THE SIGN READ: THE FIVE RULES you must READ, ACKNOWLEDGE and agree to FOLLOW before entering this bar:

 1. Do NOT accept drinks from  strangers and do NOT take your eyes off of your drink.

2. IF you can't tell your christian, dying grandmother what you and that guy/girl are about to do in the BATHROOM then it's strictly PROHIBITED, you godless sodomites. PEE and LEAVE!

3. FANGIRLS, if two hot guys are making out, keep your awe-ing and squealing to a minimum. Recording it and posting it onto your tumblr blogs will get you BANNED for a month! Tagging it with #allthegoodonesaregay gets you banned FOREVER.

4. No BIBLES. It's a gay bar, not a church. Don't try to come up in here asking people if they have a minute to talk about their lord and savior, Jesus Christ. We to busy trying to get lit. 

5. Have FUN. Save your emotional breakdown for your overworked therapist . Be Happy!

'This was a mistake,' I thought as I read the square blue sign outside of the bar's door. It had to be. God himself had to craft this, and send it down from his royal seat, from his heavenly throne, for me to read and to heed. Bad things were going to befall me in this place and my soul would forever be in the grasp of Satan, the Snake, the Prince of Darkness, The great dec-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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