Poison 12

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Rita Pov
Chris walked in the house with flowers on his hand. I stared at him.
"These for Kayla?" I asked. He laughed and shook his head.
"Nah, its for a lady named, Sacagawea."
"I mean, she's been dead for at least 300 years. So, I don't think she wants it." He smiled and handed it to me. I smiled.
"Thank you." He kissed my cheek. I heard feet running towards us.
"Daddy!" Kayla said. He picked her up and kissed her cheek.
"Wassup lil, Hontas?"
"My tooth is lose. And mama Rita said once I lose my tooth, the tooth fairy is gonna come and give me money."
"Ohh. Awesome."
"And then, we going to the princess store to get princess dresses and crowns with Royalty."
"Oh?" Chris looked at me.
"We are going invite the tooth fairy to a tea party. That's why we getting the dresses."
"That's great, Kay." Chris said.
"Can you put me down now? I have to pee?" He laughed and put her down and she ran off. Chris looked at me.
"How's Jr doing?"
"Well-" then he walked around the corner with his blanket wrapped around him."
"Hey Daddy." He said. Chris looked at me. Then laughed.
"Wassup little man." He held out his fist. Jr hit it and sat in his chair near the window.
"What?" I asked.
"That's something you would do. Did you teach him that?" He asked.
"What? No. Maybe." He laughed harder.

We pretty much chilled all day. We watched movies for a while then we ate grilled cheese sandwiches and played some board games. Then around like 7. We put the kids in the bath and sent them off to bed.
So, it was only me and Chris. He stared at me. I stared back at him.
"What?" I asked.
"So, the baby might not be mine."
"Yeah, apparently, she was messing with a guy around the time we fucked."
"Are you gonna say something besides, oh and hmm?" I nodded.
"What you want me to say?" I asked. He bit his lip.
"I don't know. I just want you to say something to me."
"I don't know what to say."
We sat in silence for like 5 minutes. He handed me a picture from a sonogram.
"This the baby?" I asked. He nodded.
"It's girls."
"Plural?" He nodded.
"Twins. When she told me that, I was like what the fuck. I really hope they aren't mine." I stared at the picture.
"I hate that I never get to know someone before I get them pregnant. She showed stuff about her that I dislike."
"That's why you gotta k-"
"I know. I know. In my pants. Do you know how hard that is?"
"I- I know. I messed up a lot. But, I just want to make it up to you. I love you. Please, forgive me?" I stared at him for a second.
"I don't know."
"I know. You got to take it all in."
"No. I mean, it is but it isn't. I mean, if we get back together and the babies are yours, I'll have 6 kids."
"You're telling me. 6 kids is a lot." We laughed a little.
"Maybe, I'll come around to it." I said. He nodded. He kissed my cheek again.
"I'm gonna go to bed. Night."
"Night." I said.

The next morning, I wake up to Chris and the kids playing Sims 4. They all looked over at me for a quick second and then turned back to looked at the computer.
"Well, good morning to y'all too." I said getting out of bed. Chris mumbled something and the kids all laughed. I rolled my eyes and started to use the bathroom. I looked down in my underwear and noticed some blood. I raised my eyebrow. I wiped myself and saw blood again. I started to tear up automatically thinking the worst. I flushed the toilet and took a shower. 

I walked into the room and saw Chris laying back in the bed. 

"Where the kids at?" I asked. 

"They wanted to watch Spongebob."
"How come you ain't go with them?" I asked. He looked over at me. 

"I didn't feel like it." he said shrugging. 

"I have to tell you something." I said. He looked at me. "I saw blood when I peed." I said. He sat up. 

"Wait, what?"

"I think, I need to go to the emergency room." 

Sorry for the non update for a week I've been sort of busy. But, I am trying to get better at updating. So, hopefully, there will be another later. It probably won't be tonight. 

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