Training at the Atlas Facility

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"So who were the other two Daimons?"

Timothy looked through the scope of his rifle as he examined the targets on the opposite end of the room, prepping his gun before he let off a shot or two. The sound bounced through the room and to Tim it was almost comforting.

It had been a week since Thesus' request that Rhys be trained how to fight, and Tim felt like they were making little progress. Sure, when Rhys' abilities were triggered he was fine, able to dodge attacks with a graceful agility and land blows with sharp precision.

Tim and Rhys both knew, however, that they couldn't solely rely on that. Not that Rhys appeared to be happy with that consensus, his left hand wrapped clumsily in bandages as redness seeped through them.

Thesus had actually been quite kind, letting Rhys use some of the health machines to heal himself and his once-broken hand before he began training in the first place. Not that its effects appeared to last very long.

"What?" Tim asked as Rhys picked up a long, thin pole, spinning it around a few times before he stabbed at the air, nearly toppling over in the process. Tim began to laugh and Rhys just rolled his eyes and scowled.

"You mentioned there being two other Daimons you knew," Rhys replied as he typed into a keypad on his palm interface, pulling up two mannequins he could practice on. Thesus for some reason had allowed Rhys into the systems and Tim questioned why he trusted him.

"What about them?" Tim asked as he stood up from his crouched position.

"Well, what happened to them for one," Rhys replied as he charged at one mannequin, barely nicking it and Tim snorted. "Oh c'mon!"

"First one went mad and tried to blow up the moon. Didn't know her personally, but...yeah. Not exactly someone you'd want to come up against in a fight," Tim responded as he watched Rhys. "Didn't help she was Dahl military either. Military training with Daimon powers, bound to end in chaos..."

"And the other?" Rhys asked as he smacked one of the mannequins, a hollow ringing running through the pole he was holding. Rhys gritted his teeth at the sound before he shook his head.

Tim hesitated, unsure how he should respond when Thesus stepped into the training facility.

For once Tim could admit he was happy to see the other Rhys. Not that he didn't see enough of him already, the man practically hovering over Tim's shoulder every opportunity he got. To say it was exasperating would be an understatement.

"Perseus, I was wondering if we could talk, uhh, privately for a few seconds?" Thesus asked, and Tim nearly cocked an eyebrow at the slight eagerness in his tone. "I-I mean Timothy, sorry..."

"Perseus is fine," he replied as he followed the other Rhys out of the training facility. They stood in what appeared to be the showers and Tim crossed his arms. "Well?"

"I was hoping...well wondering actually if you could do me a small favour?" Thesus asked, a small blush to his cheeks. Tim nodded for him to continue. "I, err, well, I was wondering if you could teach me how to use a gun?"

"You're the head of a weapons manufacturing company and you don't know how to fire a gun?" Tim asked skeptically, and Thesus only shrugged.

"Never really needed to know before," he confessed and Tim cocked an eyebrow.

"So why the sudden interest?" Tim asked, and the man before him seemed to go scarlet before he coughed into his palm and did not respond. 

"I-I just thought it might be a good idea, that's all," he replied gently, refusing to meet Tim's eyes.

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