Chapter 1 - The Bus Encounter

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Chapter 1 – The Bus Encounter


My alarm clock rings violently to wake me up. I reach out for the table behind my headboard to try and find the clock. I press a button on top and the harassment stops. I put my arm under my pillow and make myself more comfortable in my bed. Then after a few minutes, I open my eyes.

I sit up on my bed and stretch my arms as wide as I can. Stretching after you wake up helps blood circulation, said a magazine article I read when I was bored.

I stand up and look around.

Everything looks neat. Everything’s organized. The kitchen utensils are in their shelves. The sink is empty, void of any impurities. The plates are inside their rack, properly placed on their slots. The knives are in the knife rack. Everything seems to be in order, except my bed, which I have to fix after I take a bath and fully regain my senses.

I charge my gadgets; a portable gaming system, a cellular phone, and a music player.

I look at the time.

I’ve got plenty of time

I go to my wardrobe and bring out my uniform. I open my bathroom door, located right next to the wardrobe.

The bathroom’s small, but enough to fit a bathtub, toilet, a sink and a medical cabinet with a mirror for its cover.

I rotate the knobs of the bathtub to balance the mixture of hot and cold water for a nice shower.

After cleaning myself and brushing my teeth, I put on my uniform and organize the things inside my bag. I also fix my bed then I carry my bag, which was something similar to a leather briefcase.

I walk myself in front of the door. I turn around and try to see if there’s something that I’ve missed.

After confirming everything, I open my door and go out, closing the door behind me.

Another day, huh?

I walk out of my small apartment. I make my way to the bus stop. There are people here, some wearing corporate suits and those legit looking guys. I look at the time on a clock panel hung inside the shed; the bus should be here any minute now.

As if on cue, a green bus pops out of a corner.

After a few seconds, it stops right in front of me. The bus doors opened.

I get in but the bus is almost full. No one is standing, but there are only a few seats left.

Immediately, I see a cute girl. She is kinda looking at me, but then turns her gaze away. There is an empty seat beside her.

Without further ado, I seize the chance and dash my way to her seat. But not really, I didn't dash, that'd make me look like a weirdo. I make sure that it looks like I had no choice but to sit with the girl.

I stare outside the window. I use my peripherals to view her. I also make sure that I did not make it obvious that I am trying to get a good look at her.

She has long chestnut colored hair. Some of its strands are curled and it makes her look so cute. I had a thing for girls with slightly curled long hair. Her nose was perfectly suited to her face. Her lips were a little pink, but nevertheless, it was elegant.

But her eyes…

Her eyes were her most beautiful asset. It made her look so delicate, so innocent.

And her skin was almost pale white. But still retaining a complexion common to humans.

She suddenly moved and fixed something inside her bag. Instinctively, I should have looked away but I wasn’t so much as to be so unprofessional. I am an Expert Stalker, after all. I can detect cute girls within a 300 meter radius. I did not look away, but rather casually looked at her as if she caught my attention. I blinked a few times and looked in another direction.

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