Chapter 6 - "We're here"

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Chapter 6

Have you ever had the feeling that girls should always be taken care of by boys, along with the fact that boys have to protect them and stuff?

I feel that now.

Only, I'm the girl and she's the boy.

I started to run.

"Don't call anyone. No cops. Don't call help from people you know. This is not something that they can handle." she said before I have gotten far.

She could protect herself, I guess. She had a weapon. I didn't. She looked like she knew how to handle that thing.

Right when I heard the glass shattering sound effect, the air around her hand along with the space around it shattered like glass, literally.

It revealed a violet colored weapon that looked vaguely like a sword. Also, I heard her say "Weapon", so that gave everything away. Two insane ideas in a row, a cat with a human head for a head and human legs for its hind legs and a girl that can summon a weapon that kinda looked like a sword out of nowhere. It feels like everything is taken out of a story. And no, I’m not dreaming. I think my thigh is already bleeding from all the pinches that I’ve been doing so far. Also tried to slap myself awake, to no avail.

She started to run around the feline thing.

I don't know how exactly she is supposed to fight that thing, but I'm guessing she could do so.

I'm just standing here now, looking at her struggle.

I didn't know what to do. But she was getting in hits with her sword or blade.

Now that I'm here, I could analyze the whole fight. And apparently, she was inhuman or maybe superhuman if you dig that.

From the size of that weapon, it looked like its made of steel that was heavy enough to need at least two men to carry it. But she's holding it with a single hand, and it doesn't seem that the blade had weight at all because she’s flicking it around like it was a small stick.

The design of the blade looked like it was patterned after a feather, but has a more abstract feel to it, like the blacksmith who made the design for this was on some discreet experimental drug during the whole time the sword was being forged.

Also, either she's really superhuman, or that the weapon grants her abilities, or there has been a new invention that enabled people to hover for a few seconds in mid-air that I don’t know about, or this is all just a show and I'm just getting in the way of the set. All of my sanity wants this to simply be just a show, because it's all too unreal for me.

She was able to jump high into the air, and stay there for a few seconds. Or jump to her left or right at a distance that didn't seem possible for a human. It's like there's a force that helps here do these things, or maybe this is what happens when you actually do at least a hundred squats in a day.

For the first few minutes, she was able to get in deep cuts into the creature. But the streak doesn't last for long.

The agility and tenacity of the monster enabled it to get a good swipe at her without her being able to dodge, despite the fact that she was able to do so for the past few minutes.

She cannonballed into the main building's wall and it seems like she broke the cement, or maybe cracked it a bit. And that doesn’t fare well for her body. Cracking cement with your body is never a good thing.

It seems like she fainted.

I knew something like this would happen.

They were quite far from me. Even if I ran at full speed, I'd be too late. My cowardice was getting the better of me.


That was all I was able to say.

The creature pulled itself back to jump onto her.

Another person was going to die because of me.

I turned back to run away. Because I knew I was next.

I bumped into a large guy as soon as I turn around. I actually bumped hard enough that I fell back. And he was big enough that he almost didn't budge at what I did.

He put his arm out.

I hesitated for a moment.

But I didn't have the time to analyze him.

I just grabbed it and got up.

"We gotta run!" I just told to him.

"We don't need to. We're already here."

I was flabbergasted. I didn't understand what he said. Who is "we" in his context?

As if understanding the confused look written all over my face, he said.

"Look." then he smirked.

I looked at the direction that he's looking at, and it was where the feline was.

It leapt to where the girl was.

"FUCK!" I exclaimed.

But right before it landed, the side of the feline exploded. It got thrown away from its trajectory. Apparently, someone had shot the feline with an explosive round at its side, enough to push it away.

I looked at the guy beside me again. He put his hand unto my shoulder, trying to make me feel safe.

"Like I said, we're here."

7 people from out of nowhere started running towards the cat.

Eight, if you count the guy beside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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