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   Shortly after Noodle arrived in the FedEx box, Russel went to look for schools in the area. After finding a decent school, him, 2D, and Murdoc took noodle to the school.
"Come on Murdoc" Russel grunted
Murdoc said
"I don't like schools"
and lit a cigarette.
The band left him in the car as they entered the school. The three walked up to the office counter.
"We would like to enroll our child here" Russel said to the short, old woman behind it. 2D didn't like her thinking he was one of noodles parents as he felt more of a brother to her.
"Alright, just sign these papers" the woman said.
The three walked to a desk in another corner of the office. The woman just noticed that Noodle was with them, she was too short to see from behind the counter. Noodle was bouncing in excitement while Russel and 2D signed papers. They handed the papers back and the woman said
"Great, she'll start in a week. Is her name really Noodle?"
"Ok, and yes that is her name. Thank you very much." Russel said as they walked out. The lady looked at them suspiciously and looked more and more concerned as she read the papers.
"Took you long enough" Murdoc said, annoyed.
"School!" Noodle shouted. This was a new word she just picked up.
"Yup!" 2D said while he got in the car.

   A week passed and noodle coukdnt contain her excitement. At 5 in the morning she rushed into Russels room and jumped onto his bed.
This scared him and he woke up immediatley. Noodle shouted
"School school school!"
And some Japanese the drummer couldn't understand.
"Alright, alright, get dressed and wait in the kitchen." Russel said quietly.
Noodle did as told and went to put on the clothes she got the day before.
Russel made a breakfast of eggs and toast. Then helped Noodle get ready. As they were heading out the door to drive to school, 2D walked into the main room.
"Hey luv, have fun" he said as Noodle went to hug him. He smelled very strongly of cigarettes, but noodle found it oddly comforting.
On the 20 minute drive to school, Noodle looked outside, mesmerized because she hasn't seen outside very much, as she only arrived 2 weeks ago.
Russel walked her to the classroom, and dropped her off.
"Hello! You must be Noodle, I'm Mrs. Wright." The teacher said as she bent down to Noodle's height and extented her hand.
"Hello! I, am, Noodle!" She said slowly in a thick accent and ignored the handshake gesture.
"This is your seat, and you can just put your backpack on your chair" the teacher said while gesturing towards and empty seat. Noodle didn't understand what she said, but followed what the other students were doing. The class quieted down when the teacher announced
"Excuse me class, we have a new student! Everyone say hi to Noodle!"
Noodle was smiling as big as she possibly could. After the class heard her name, they started laughing so loudly the other classes could hear. Noodles smile got smaller and she shrank in her seat.
The teacher eventually quieted everyone down and handed out a worksheet with multiplication facts on it. Mrs. Wright gave Noodle a special one she made into japanese.
Noodle smiled again and said

    Lunchtime came and noodle pulled out a lunchbox shaped like a guitar that she picked out. Russel packed her food that he noticed she liked.
She noticed that everyone else's lunch looked too similar. Rectangle lunchbox with something storebought inside. She felt special to have something different until one boy who sat next to her pointed it out
"You must be so spoiled and snotty" he yelled. Noodle didn't know what he said so she just said
And continued to eat.

   After lunch was recess, and Noodle wandered to a play structure that looked like a tiny, plastic house. She sat down and wrote some things in Japanese while quietly singing Clint Eastwood, the song that she watched 2D writing the day before. She didn't understand the words though. The same boy that was mean to her at lunch went in the house and said
"That's a stupid song."
Noodle looked up and tilted her head like a confused puppy
"Go back to Japan where you belong you idiot" the boy said. He broke noodles red marker she was using and  walked away.
Noodle slouched down and just practiced her English in her head until it was time to go inside.

  At the end of the day, noodle waited outside for one of her band members to pick her up. Murdoc pulled up next to Noodle and she got in the car.
"How was school?" He asked as he drove away.
"Good, but mean people" Noodle responded, trying her best to peice together words.
"I feel ya' he said while lighting another cigarette.
When Noodle hot home, she worked on English for hours so she could communicate with the other students.

   The next day, she arrived at school with 2D who dropped her off.
Before class started, a girl came up to her and asked
"Whats wrong with your parents?"
2D overheard and answered
"She's adopted"
Noodle still didn't fully understand what they were saying.
A different boy come up to her shortly after and shoved her while throwing insults. For some reason, Noodle could understand most of them. Tears started welling up in her eyes and the teacher came over to help.
They called Russel to come and get Noodle, who was now sobbing, with the whole class laughing at her.
Russel rushed in and picked Noodle up. They both left and Russel took noodle to get some ice cream.

   Noodle was taken out of school and was taught a few things at Kong here and there by Russel. The band just released the video for Clint Eastwood and it quickly spread. The boy who made fun of her song immediately recognized it, and her. Everyone in her old class recognized her in it and realized her fame.
Gorillaz released their album and everyone in her class regretted being mean.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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