prologue ;

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Scout was lonely. She had a pretty apartment on the 76th floor of a Manhattan High-rise in the Upper-west side, she had stunning views of Central Park, and was incredibly close to the SHEILD HQ. Her mother was still alive and kicking in the outer suburbs, raising Scout's much younger sister with her second husband. Scout was happy, in a secure job and had plenty of money, but she was lonely. She never really had a partner to work with, because for her first seven years as a field agent she insisted she was fine on her own. Eventually she gave up, and let Coulson put her in Strike Team Delta. She enjoyed Natasha and Clint's company, but they were closer to each other than they were to her. She remained friendless, but happy with her place in the world. So, Scout was lonley, however, you cannot mistake Scout's loneliness for sadness.

BATTLE BORN ; Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now