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“Don't waste your love on somebody, who doesn't value it.” 
― William shakespeare,Romeo and Juliet

[A/n: not proof read. I take full responsibility for the crappiness]

CHAPTER-7: Valued

“You agreed to this wholeheartedly?”   Jacob asked looking at my finger which the ring had claimed. I smiled and nodded. Wholeheartedly? I mentally scoffed. I agreed so desperately. Did I not want him too much!

He stood up and before I could say anything found my lips and bound it under always his heat swallowed me as I found myself going deeper into the kiss. He put his hands behind my back pulling me toward him. I put my hands around his neck and pulled him tighter. The feeling whenever I get when Jacob kisses me cannot be put with was so potent that I find myself in a world where no one other than us existing.

Soon we were on the forest floor with him over me kissing me all over leaving the places aching for more. Before I could overthink the situation and setting, he sadly pulled away. Wasn’t I pathetic! I would have stopped him from pulling away but my body was not in the right condition too work properly.

He lay next to me as I snuggled into his chest. Both of us peacefully stared at the starry sky and the moon which magnificently lighted his handsome face.

“How does this sound to you? Mrs.Isabella Black?”  He asked me. I laughed  “not really good. Bella Jacob would be much better.”

His laugh filled the air as he pulled me over was night now and my dad, Charlie wouldn’t like this position so comforting if he gets to know.

“What do you think Charlie would say about this?”  I asked already knowing the answer. Jacob’s reply came instantaneously.   “He would be delighted”  his tone had a cocky edge.

“What about Renée?”  I asked not really sure. Jacob thought for a while.  “She may accept…after all I’m her favourite.”  He said grinning at me. I raised an eyebrow.  “Oh yeah? She is totally against early marriage. You know that?”

As expected, his cockiness was replaced by confusion. Next instance, panic.

“Will she…you know…”he trailed off.

“What will she do, Jacob?”  I asked innocently playing dumb.

“Reject?”  He asked with a face so panicked that I burst into laughter. I just couldn’t stop laughing that Jacob was grimacing.  “Oh my god! Your face-“ more laughter  “you totally panicked and here I was, thinking I was being desperate”

And that made him grin so big that his cheek must hurt.  “We’ll ask her”

After we were having a staring match, Jacob interrupted the peaceful silence.  “The last two years have been a dream”

I couldn’t agree more.

“If someone told me that my life would go through so much when I was in Phoenix, I would have called him delusional and laugh at his face.”

 He chuckled.  “Same for me”

“Did billy come to the wedding today?”  I asked referring to his father.  “He had. Didn’t you see him?”  He asked confused.  “No! Thought you were noticing only me where the situation was vice versa.”

He laughed as he inched closer to my face. Before he could make my senses go away again, I quickly interrupted him.  “Charlie would be looking, Jake. And you wouldn’t want a police rifle over your head for kidnapping his daughter and taking her deep into some woods and keeping her---“

Choice: What if Bella chose Jacob (next Chapter Up!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ