Chapter 9- A Look Forward

Start from the beginning

He relaxed his shoulder no longer tensing, I reached out and yanked the knife from him. His lips opened about to form a word, before I changed the trajectory of the gun and shot three times. He fell in a heap against my body, 'you are to never speak out of line with me ever again, do you understand' I hissed into his ear, he was in too much pain to nod but I knew he understood. I stepped back causing him body to slam down onto the hard floor, I looked at the surrounding soldiers and grinned. 'you guys have some fun with him, when you think he has had enough send him down to he infirmary' the soldiers readily nodded one reached down as grasped Demarcus's shirt in his hand lifting him so the girl beside him can deliver the first of a number of blows. 

I shut the door droning out the noises of Demarcus being beaten, I patted my pockets pulling out the pack of cigarettes and quickly lighting one. My eyes closed for a moment as I exhaled the smoke, but then I felt the stare of someone on the back. I turned around looked back and scoffed seeing a woman I knew all too well. As always she wore mismatched clothes, a pair of blue parachute pants a red sweater with a tight fitting green cardigan over the top. She looked at me her eyes calculating as always, 'Ms Benns' I greeted her as I walked across the street to her. 

'Fleurance dear how are you, it had been a while' she responded patting my cheek as she spoke, this woman I swear will be the death of me. 'when did you get here?' I asked her 'don't ask that dear, haven't I told you about the realms of time? you will never really know when I got here. Ask me why I am here, because purpose is always more important that punctuality' She smiled at me, then grabbed my arm 'here I have something to show you' she said smiling, then she spun us I remained compliant in her grasp. 

When my vision focused again, I was no longer looking at Demarcus's house but at the streets of Beacon Hills. It getting dark, Ms Benns let go of my arm 'just in a second you will see' she said. I looked from left to right the building were destroyed, no one was outside it felt lonely something that made me feel more comfortable. I heard a howl in the distance about a mile from where we were, then it happened I saw myself. Except I was older, about a few years from what I could tell. I watched myself, my future self was limping a broken leg maybe. I heard a girl scream out the name 'ZAYN' a few streets down, my future self turned looking down the street thinking about running. 

Where was everyone else I thought? if it wasn't for Ms Benns' breathing beside me I would have thought I was actually here. 'what has happened?' I asked her, looking down the side of the road a man was running towards my future self. 'I do not know but it is close to the end' she responded beside me grabbing my arm and pulling me back slightly as the man ran past us, My future self looked directly at where I was standing 'you aren't gone, trust her' he said; it was strange seeing myself talking especially to me. My focus lifted to the man who had stopped about a meter from me, I walked forward to see who it was: Derek Hale of course. His face was contorted in anger looking at my future self 'where is he' Derek yelled down the street at future me. I watched as my future self fell to the ground to sit, I want to scream at myself for being so stupid. 

Derek had blood on his face 'tell me where he is Fleurance, you know I can take whatever information I want from you, save yourself the trouble'; My mind was on overdrive trying to figure out what was happening. My future self seemed to no be listening very intently but waiting, I was confused Derek seemed to be doing nothing even though my other self had his guard down. He seemed to be held to the spot, before I could figure out what was happening a man slammed down against the pavement between Derek and my future self. I stumbled back against the wall to the side of them, 'I was birthed new flesh and new body, and the great man who blessed me with this body, was no where to be found' his voice was deep his back was to me I had no idea who he was. 'I want a world of pure supernaturals, not a world with no one at all' my future self said. I brought this person here? 'you summon me the creator of the Demi King legion, and you thought you a weak alpha could control me. The most powerful supernatural being to enter this galaxy?' what have I done? how did I allow myself into this mess. 

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