Chapter 3- Clovers

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Song- Take Me To Church, I hate You I Love You,I'll keep loving you🎵

Artist-Hozier, Gnash feat Olivia O'brien, David Guetta🎧


I swerved into the familiar clover clan "headquarters" as Isaac called it.

"Don't loose to much of your cool yeah?" Lydia asked me as we stepped out the car. I looked at her and frowned "He could of ruined our chances of meeting with the Tribe, just ah I'm so stressed about this and all the stuff going with werewolf's ending up dead on our doorstep. Just god we need help,  and if we don't get it from them everything could crumble" I responded pulling out the door for Lydia "Yeah but he didn't so just keep your cool we don't know for sure if Laurence screwed things up if he doesn't show or his head ends up at the loft then you ball into Isaac." She said patting me on the face. I took a deep breath moving out of her way, and for those asking no I have no idea how we became friends either. 

I was about to ask about her weekend away with Jackson but was stopped as I felt a slap at the back of my leg. I spun around eyes shifted red as I knew what I was about to see  a laughing Finn, he is the youngest of the clan at an annoying age of 14 and maturity of 3. "God would you stop that slapping thing it's getting old!" I said walking off hitting him over the back of the head "I told you Der it is called a RED SKIN! And you are the only thing that is getting old" Finn said his Australian accent  flowing out of his red lips "And I told you I don't care" I opened the door pulling him into the building.

Finn laughed running up beside me "Whats on the agenda today, zombies, man monkeys, flesh eating slugs?" Finn excitedly asked doing two jabs (punches for the non boxers) into the air

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Finn laughed running up beside me "Whats on the agenda today, zombies, man monkeys, flesh eating slugs?" Finn excitedly asked doing two jabs (punches for the non boxers) into the air. I looked at him blankly about to say something and then just shook my head at the hyperactive idiot who I have nicknamed as Stiles Junior in my head, and continued walking.

"Oh come on stop being such a big sourwolf!" Finn exclaimed ok too much Stiles how as it that these two people who have never met are almost identical personality wise. It was like ice had been thrown at me my whole body tensed "Don't call me that" I spat, Finn shrunk back slightly. Guilt began to consume me but I ignored it and continued to the main room


I looked ahead faintly hearing Finn exclaim sour wolf and unleashing the angry beast that is Derek Hale, I sighed and moved toward the young beta ruffling his hair "Don't worry about that buddy, you just remind him of someone a lot". Isaac joined us smiling lightly, obviously hearing the encounter. "I don't get it he snaps at me all the time, the name was just a joke" I sighed "Yeah just someone else used to call him that all the time you know like it was a special thing" Finn nodded "Like a girlfriend?"

"Something like that" Isaac said pushing  us down the corridor slightly hiding behind me. "If you think hiding behind me is going to keep you from being killed you are wrong" I said laughing, "What did dumbass do this time?" Erica said as she joined us at the entrance to the spill out area "Laurence, he picked Laurence! for the trade deal. You know how Derek and I were trialing the new independence on you guys well we thought Isaac surely would do fine. Well next time we will have to pick you" I said laughing as Isaac glared at him. Erica snorted "Little Isaac always the slowest, however I refuse to be flattered by the last comment you should have picked me first regardless". I rolled my eyes and moved to the front of the room to join the other Alphas.

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