Chapter 9- A Look Forward

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Song- Bruises, One , Human🎵

Artist- Lewis Capaldi, Ed Sheeran , Aquilo 🎧


'sir I have a question' I glanced behind me at Demarcus after he spoke, 'whatever you wish to know, I shall tell' I responded taking the flashlight from my teeth and slipping it into my pocket, 'well you say you want to rid the world of half-breeds and blood traitor' he said hesitantly. I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the storage space, 'yes I think I may have mentioned that once' he blushed red 'yes of course I know you have, I listened I always do sir' he lifted a hand to the back of his neck and began to rub it anxiously, my irritation began to flood my veins. 'Demarcus what did I say about you showing your nerves, you are the crown jewel of my project I can not have you looking like a kicked puppy in front of our enemies' Demarcus' eyes strained anger appeared as quickly as it disappeared. I turned around and latched onto the trap door and let it fall loudly against the floor closing off the storage space I had previously occupied, 'I believe you were going somewhere with this conversation before Demarcus' I said turning to meet his gaze, he paused. 'I was merely saying sir, you want to if the world of all blood traitors and half-breeds..' I didn't let him finish 'are you are goldfish or something, I have repeatedly said this to you. If you are to take over the tribe I think you might want to expand your intellect scale' 

Demarcus balled his fists at his sides 'I know sir if you would let me finish..' I raised a hand 'no you don't understand your job is to be the muscle of my operation, stop' I said as he opened his mouth again 'you are a child who does not make the decisions here, you do not need to consult my rules and plans with me. I am the smart one you are the fist I call on to do my dirty work'  I said, eyebrows raised as I stood chest to chest against him a finger dug into his ribs. His eyes flashed red quickly, my anger flew against my ribs 'control yourself you stupid fool' I spat. This seemed to fuel his irritation, his eyes remained solid red 'Change back now' I said patiently looking up at his face. 'I am not your stupid side kick' He glared down at me, I knew this side of him; my other hand slipped to the back of my jeans and gripped the hilt of my gun. 'And how would you like me to refer to you? huh you think that you can organise a whole tribe yeah? make regulations and rules to keep it thriving?' I demanded, 'well no..' 'of course you can't look at you, you can't keep yourself from sweating when you speak out of turn. Imagine if you had to make decisions yourself' I drawled out at him. His eyes still shone that solid red colour, 'maybe I could....' 'you couldn't, stop getting your hopes up just to have them demolished' 

I watched as his back straightened, my lip curled at the show of defiance, 'you told me I could do whatever I put my mind to' 'well this may shock you, but I lied' He shifted his arm behind his back readying it to swing. My anger erupted, my back hand pulled the gun from the back of my waist. I slammed the barrel of the gun against him forehead, the force pushing him back against the wall. I knew I couldn't beat him in a fight but I am always prepared to stall him, before he could react to what had happened, I pulled out the wolfsbane core knife with my free hand and lunged stabbing it into his chest. He gasped in pain but moved quickly slamming his right fist against my face instantly breaking my jaw bone and throwing me back through the wall. Quickly my soldiers swarmed into the room at the noise and grabbed Demarcus holding him back, one offered me a hand up which I ignored. I moved my head in a swinging motion as the bone reset.

Demarcus smiled at me as I approached not even trying to fight against the guards 'You may not think I have what it takes to make decisions, but I have what it takes to make you my bitch' his smile transformed to a smirk, I picked up the handgun that had fallen from my grasp when he hit me. When stood face to face with him, I gripped at the knife which was half in his chest. I closed my eyes and gripped his shoulder, then held the groove of the knife tightly and slammed it further into his stomach. He let out a grunt of pain and began wincing, I took my hand off his shoulder and slapped it against his face which was becoming slippery with sweat, 'Demarcus you really shouldn't keep doing this, it makes me so angry. Makes me want to kill you so badly just ah' I laughed maniacally finishing my sentence 'you don't have the balls to kill me' He said so passionately that his spit washed over my face. I stood back shrugged my shoulders, then lifted the gun against his forehead. I saw Demarcus's eyes widen, his bravado stripped and replaced with eminent fear, 'it's not that I don't have the balls to kill you, it is that if someone is to kill you, I want it to be a special person' 

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