Yeah so this is the title

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I decided to do this a little bit earlier then I intended to.
-Artemis pov-
I wake up to an empty bed and the sun shinning in my eyes....EMPTY BED!!! I get up and quickly walk out into the living room to see Zatanna standing there.
"You better put something on Wally and Dick are gonna be back soon!" I look down and notice I have nothing on I run into the room and pull on my bathrobe and walk back into the living room
"Thanks Zee your a life saver!"
"What did Zatanna do?" I look over and see Wally and Dick walking in with shopping bags full of food
"Uhhh she Uhhh helped with a clothes problem"
Wally looks at Dick then back at me "you walked out naked didn't you?"
Zatanna throws the remote at his head and barely misses "SHUT UP WALLACE!"
"Yes babe!" Me and Dick look at eachother and start laughing. It's been a couple of months and Zee is starting to show a bump and gets a little moody
"Why do I have to have a speedster stuck inside of me....don't answer that Dick!"
I look over and see him pout and continue unpacking the bags. I sit beside Zee and look at the magazine she's reading "so a mommy magazine huh?"
"Yep it's how I've learned everything so far!" She smiles and looks at me "so when are you gonna be expecting?"
I hear Dick choke on his drink and we all three look at him "uh I'm gonna make sure I didn't leave anything" he quickly walks out the door"
Wally looks at Zatanna and me before speeding out "well that was weird"
"No that's been the usual" I look at her and see she's confused "after the last one died he's scared him being Nightwing then Batman for a short time will cause me to lose a baby again"
Zatanna looks even more confused "what do you mean? He didn't tell you what happened?" I shake my head no and she smirks "this is gonna be great"
-Dick pov-
I'm at my car about to get in and five away when Wally runs and steals the keys "where ya off to in a rush?"
"You don't understand I haven't told her about the Bruce calling me off thing!" Wally's eyes get wide as he tosses me back my keys
"Go man go!"
I start to unlock the car when my car starts to levitate in the air I look at Wally and see him getting nervous "how much time can you buy?"
"5 second up to 10"
"That's not enough for my bike"
I look at Wally and jump on his back "RUN DUDE RUN!" He starts to run but gets stopped in his tracks
"Zee got me!"
We both look back and see a purple glowing Zatanna and Artemis in her new gear with a bow aimed at my head "hey princess why don't we talk about this without a bow"
"When were you gonna tell me?"
"When it came up" I hear Wally smack his forehead
"WALLACE" Zatanna glowing is starting to scare me "WE ARE GOING HOME NOW!" She levitates over to her car and drags him with her and speeds off
I turn around to the arrow right at my nose "now!"
"I was scared you would think I retired permanently"
She lowers the bow and sighs "but why keep pushing off the baby idea" she's tearing up I can't stand when she tears up. It's my kryptonite.
"Artemis I' scared I won't be a good dad"
She looks at me and puts down the bow "I'm sorry!"
"I'm sorry to come here!" We embrace in a hug "let's go inside and I'll fix you some breakfast" we walk back in hand and hand like nothing just happened.
-Wally's pov-
I'm sitting in my chair head in hands as my Girlfriend is finally asleep and calmed down after she destroyed my whole house. Dick's gonna pay! I get the phone and call the one person he's scared of beside Bruce and Barbara.
"Hey Jade what would you do if I told you Dick lied to Artemis for a month and isn't giving her what she wants.....Hello?" I look at the phone and see she hung up. Oh I'd hate to be Dick in a little bit!
You'll all find out what happens next chapter and sorry about the title couldn't think of a good one

Two Birds In A Quiver {completed}Where stories live. Discover now