sebastain | business

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|song: Our First Song- Joseph Vincent|

You were currently at SDCC with the rest of the Civil War cast.

Let's just say finding hotels that weren't already full of people and could fit the entire group was very difficult.

And of course the fabulous Robert Downey Jr. had to find the most pimped out cottage on earth for you all to stay in. There were only four rooms so everyone had to bunk up with a partner. And of course Robert paired you with Sebastian Stan, your all time celebrity crush. And of course the two of you got stuck on the air mattress in the living room. Fantastic.

Even better, Robert decided to rent it out for a week longer after the con was over, that meant we would all get to "bond" with each other.


"Bye! See you all later, thank you so much for coming!" You said to the crowd of fans quickly as you were ushered out of the panel and to the autograph booths.

You spent quite a few hours at the booth signing photos and talking to your amazing fans before you were once again moved from your station.

They stacked you all into two vans and headed towards your next stop. Interviews.

This time around you were paired with Scarlett and Elizabeth. Last time you got stuck with Anthony and Sebastian and lets just say that nothing had gotten done in those long hours.

Finally you had made it back to the cabin where you all filed out of the van and ran to get comfortable for the night.

After changing into shorts and a tshirt you joined Scarlett and Elizabeth outside on the porch swing while the rest of the boys played tag around and inside the small house.

The three of you laughed together as you watched all of them running around like they were ten again, they squealed and jumped away from each other for hours.

As you sat with the girls small chatter came up, and it somehow led to your love life. Perfect.

"So Y/N, have you been seeing anyone lately?" Scarlett asked you as she swung her legs.

"Um, no, not really. I've been so busy for the longest time I just haven't had any time." You sighed while tapping your coffee mug.

Scareltt and Lizzy nodded in understanding and glanced at each other with mischievous looks.

"Is there anyone you're interested in?" Lizzy asked you as you slowly brought your cup up to your lips to avoid the question.

They waited for you to stop drinking and moved forward a bit as they stared at you in hopes of getting an answer.

You look at them with a blank face before you finally gave into their pressure.

"Maybe..." You mumbled in a quite voice. The two girls squealed and immediately began asking questions as to who it could be.

Little did you know the boys were having the exact same conversation with Sebastian in the living room.

"Come on dude, Sexy Seabass can't be single forever." Anthony said as he prodded Sebastian.

He rolled his eyes and laughed at his friend before settling down onto the couch where he was joined by Robert, Chris, Anthony and Jeremy.

"But seriously Seb. There isn't anyone special?" Chris chimed as he reached for the remote.

"Not really." Sebastian said shortly and tried to worm his way out of the conversation.

"Hey, uh it's kinda late. I'm gonna get ready for bed." Seb said as he got up from the couch and walked to the upstairs bathroom.

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