bucky | mission

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|song: The Winter Soldier- Henry Jackman|

"L/N and Rogers."

The whole team looked at you and Steve. Your eyes frantically looked up at Fury, he couldn't be serious.

You shot a nervous look at Steve, who was on your left. You had only been an Avenger for less than a year, and Fury was putting you on the most important mission they've had? He glanced at you and saw the fear in your eyes and gave you a comforting pat on the knee, keeping it from its rapid pouncing.

The mission was in less than 2 hours, giving you time to pack your things and get ready.

After you finished packing you set your duffel bag next the side of your bed and flopped over when a small knock sounded on your door.

"Come in." you sighed from your position.

Steve walked in and sat next to you on your bed. Glancing down at your frowning face and chuckling lightly.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Hm let me think, yeah, no. I can't believe Fury picked me for this, why couldn't Nat go? She's much more capable of pulling this off without a misstep than I am. Also, shouldn't you be the one worrying? I mean, he is like your best friend from forever ago." You sat up to look at him after answering, he smiled at your teasing statement at the end.

"Yeah, I want him back. But last I checked he wanted to kill me so I'm not sure he feel's the same." Steve shook his head, checking the time on his watch.

"We should get suited up, we've only got about 30 minutes left." You sighed and pulled yourself from your soft bed and trudged towards your closet.

Sure enough, 30 minutes later there you were. Dressed in all black from your beat up combat boots to your protective suit, much like Natasha's. You were sat next to Steve going over the mission report with him in silence.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧(time skip)

When you arrived it was quiet, and you both knew something was up. Together you crept to the entrance of the HYDRA facility and snuck through the gates. You were halfway down the hall that had empty cells on each side when you heard men started yelling.

You two sprinted down the hall and turned where you heard the screams came from.

Just as you got there the steel doors flew open and a man in a lab coat shot through them. He landed on the floor in the middle of the hallway and stayed there, unmoving.

You peered into the room to see multiple men holding something down. And that something, was Captain America's long lost friend, Bucky Barnes.

They strapped him down to the chair he was in and left, not even bothering to check on the man that was in the middle of their path, absentmindedly stepping over him.

Steve motioned for you to follow him into the room where Bucky was in, locking the door behind you. He slowly stepped up to Bucky who was staring at him intensely.

You stared at the two, gripping a knife behind you back in case things went south.

"Bucky?" Steve whispered, he was right next to Bucky, too close for your liking. You gripped the knife even tighter.

His handed extended out and right before he was about to touch him, Bucky's left arm broke the metal strap it was in and punched Steve right in the gut. Causing him to fall on his hands and knees on the hard ground.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" The Winter Soldier said in a deep voice, pushing Steve over once more and hitting him again. And then he looked up around the room, his eyes were wild, and they were staring right at you.

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