bucky | meeting

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|song: Straightjacket- Quinn XCII|

(short again, sorry)

You had just come back from a long and challenging mission with Natasha and were completely exhausted. Steve mentioned something to you about a new recruit but you couldn't be bothered to pay attention to a word the Captain was saying. It would probably come back to bite you but after all it was six in the morning and you had gotten less than two hours of sleep.

Natasha was sat at the kitchen table with a bowl of fruit in front of her and her head tipping down and moving back up as she fought to stay awake.

Moving next to her, you pushed her a little and her head jerked up and her eyes shot open.

"I'm up!" She yelled in a panic before seeing that it was only you.

She groaned and laid her head on the table and threw her arms out.

"Why did we have to train right after a mission, this is ridiculous."

"Ask Fury, he's the one that told us we have to jump back on schedule."


You had just finished your conditioning with Tony and you were sure you were going to pass out.

After you got to your room you threw yourself onto the bed and had a short nap before someone knocked on your door. You groaned and pulled yourself from the bed to open it.

Steve stood there with a smile on his face and began to talk to you.

"Hey Y/N, when are you gonna come meet Bucky?" He asked in an excited voice.

"Ugh, I completely forgot, can we do this tomorrow Steve? I have to go to two more training sessions, one of which is with you, and then I have to get all of these debriefing papers to Fury by morning." You listed off, nearly falling asleep at your own boring words.

"Yeah sure! He's super excited to meet you. See you at five!" He said before giddily running off to who knows where.

"What a weirdo." You mumbled to yourself before washing your face and putting you hair back up into a neat ponytail.


The rest of the day could be considered hell for you. After talking to Steve you had to go spar with Wanda and afterwards you two went on a seven mile run.

When you went to spar with Steve there was almost no energy left in you. Every time your back hit the mat your eyes would close and you would start to doze off before Steve pulled you up for another round.

You ate a quick dinner and grabbed a cup of coffee and dumped tons of sugar in it with hopes that it would wake you up.

Then you took it to your room where you stayed up all night finishing all the paperwork Fury had given to you. 

By the time you finished it was already 5:45 AM so you decided just to get ready for the day. You put on a new set of workout clothes and slid socks onto your feet before slowly making your way to the kitchen.

Bucky noticed you walk in and sat up a little straighter in hopes to grab your attention. However, your eyes couldn't even focus on the ground in front of you, much less Bucky sitting there at the table.

You poured some coffee into a big mug and set it down while you look through the fridge. In one of the corners you found a Monster energy drink and grabbed it. It was probably Tony's but at the moment you needed it more.

Dumping out some of your coffee you opened the can and stared at it.

"I am going to die." You said out loud before dumping the whole can into your up of coffee.

Taking a deep breath you squared your shoulders and tipped your head back as you downed the entire concoction.

You set the mug down and stared at it for a good few minutes before you heard a voice.

"Holy shit..."

Turning around you saw Bucky sitting there with his mouth wide open and his eyes staring at you in fear and admiration.

"Oh you're Bucky! Nice to meet you I'm Agent Y/F/N Y/L/N." You said to him, hoping to ignore the fact that you practically poisoned yourself moments before. But you had to give some credit to yourself, you already felt more awake than before.

"Oh my god that was awesome." He squeaked before jumping out of his seat to grab your shoulders.

You laughed at him before sitting him back down at the table and starting a conversation and a new friendship.


Little did you know Steve and Tony had been watching the security cameras from the lab the whole time.

Steve stood there in shock at what you had just done as Tony jumped around the room swearing and crying over his stolen Monster.


idea from korrakun on tumblr

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