Girl who cried Wolf

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Years ago, when Blake was a child around the age of 7 she was bullied, but not because of her ears, but of her heritage. Other kids used to make fun of her for her dad being the leader of the white fang and for living in the biggest house on Menagerie. She was bullied in the morning going to school, during lunch, and when going home. Around the same time, a child named Y/n L/n and his brother, the only person he has ever been able to depend on, Fernando L/n, the go-to-guy when you need something or someone is bothering you. One day Y/n was walking around the market when he heard a scream. Being the person who his brother raised him to be, he ran straight to the source. When he got to an ally around the corner from his house, he saw a small girl with cat ears being harassed by three boys.

Boy 1: Alright kitty, just come here and we wont have a problem.

Boy 2: We promise we wont hurt you more if you just come with us.

Boy 3: what are you two talking about, aren't we going to cut her ears off?

Boy 1: Great going Erik, now she's going to run.

Boy 2: Wait Marcus, Why don't we just kill her and take all her things?

Boy 1: Great Idea Peyton.


Boy 3: Oh yeah, and whos going to make us...You?

Boy 2: Erik, I-I d-don't think that we should be doing this to her anymore!

Boy 1: Why do you say that Peyton, I thought you wanted to do this?

Y/n: Ok I'm gonna count to 3 and you better be gone!

Boy 3, or Erik grabs Blake and puts a knife to her neck.

Boy 1: I am going to count to 3 and you might want to run along.

Y/n: One

Boy 2 runs away and the other two shout at him

Boy 1: Two.

Y/n readies a stone behind his back.

Boy 1 and Y/n: Three...

Boy 3 goes to slit Blake's throat but gets hit with a rock and is knocked in conscious. Blake then runs at boy 1 while he is distracted by Y/n and hits hi9m in the back of the head making him fall to the ground where Y/n pins him.

Y/n: Now me, you, and your friend here wont have anymore trouble will we?

Boy 1 tries to speak but can't because he is falling unconscious

Y/n: Good.

Y/n then pushes his head into the ground and walks over to Blake who starts to walk away slowly.

Blake: NO! You just did that so you could bully me instead of let them.

Y/n: No I just wanted to help you, They were going to hurt you and I didn't want that to happen to you. I don't want anyone to be hut here because we faunus have to stick together.

Blake starts nodding and walks closer to Y/n and hugs him.

Blake: Thanks you...

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n.

Blake: Oh hey, my dad is good friends with yours.

Y/n got a sad look on his face and looked to the ground and Blake noticed that she said something wrong.

Blake: Oh sorry, is he abusive towards you?

Y/n: No...My dad has been dead for a while. He was killed in the Faunus war by general Ironwood and one of his commanders.

Blake: Wait, then who is my dad talking to right now?

Y/n: Its probably my brother Fernando.

Blake: Oh, isn't he like the biggest hero in Menagerie?

Y/n: That's how people see him these days.

Blake: Wait...can you maybe...walk me home?

Y/n: Sure, I don't see why not.

Blake: Thanks, I don't know if there will be more like them or not.

Y/n: Its no problem, but my house is right around the corner and I think your dads there.

Blake: Ok, then I guess we can go to your house.

Y/n showed Blake to his brothers apartment and walked her Inside when they saw the scene.

Girah Belladonna was fighting a masked man who was holding a blody knife, trying to stab him. That isn't what shocked little (Y/n). What shocked him was his brothers corpse laying in a pool of blood behind he man with more knifes in him.

Take this if net neutrality dies anyone. But this was a promise to MasterFernando2002 who wanted this, it is a little late but I wanted to get his first chapter out of net neutrality dies

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