Chapter 50 - Evan

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Chapter 50:

When I pull back into the parking lot of the apartment building the sun has already gone down and the Christmas lights have already lit up. I grab my groceries and lock my car before entering through the automatic doors. The whole lobby is dressed to the nines in Christmas decorations. And I have to admit, it does look lovely. I absolutely adore Christmas, but this year it just slipped my mind. I told my mother and sister I would send them there gifts and Lucas’ after the insanity of the holidays died down, they agreed to do the same.

“Happy Christmas Eve, Miss Manson and if I don’t see you tomorrow, Happy Christmas as well.” Mr. Nelson at the front desk calls to me.

“Oh, thank you, you too.” I wave and flash a smile before stepping onto the elevator.

Charlie: “Look, dad, he disappeared.”


Scott: “He’s naked somewhere.”


The Santa Clause plays in the background as I finish up my dinner. For sad entertainment I rush to my room to change, trying to beat the timer on the oven. I strip off my black jeans and throw one of my loose cream sweaters on before rolling the sleeves up. The sweater drapes over my underwear and touches my bare thigh, so I choose not to dirty a perfect pair of pants.


Scott: “You know, you look pretty good for your age.”


Judy the elf: “Thanks, but I’m seeing someone in wrapping.”



I plant myself down on the couch, plate full of casserole in hand. While I eat and watch the movie, I quickly swipe my finger over my phone to check the messages, one from Elena, two from Eleanor, but not one from Harry.

From: Elena


I know it is late over there, but I wanted to say goodnight and Merry Christmas Eve. I love you.



To: Elena


Merry Christmas Eve. I love you too. I will call you tomorrow around ten o’clock your time. Goodnight.



From: Eleanor

Merry Christmas Eve love!



From: Eleanor

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