Chapter 16 - He's not all there

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Chapter 16:

Harry was very touchy during lunch. Placing his hand on my knee while we ate and then on my back when he guided me out of the restaurant. After taking my mother and sister back to their hotel later that evening Harry and I made our way home. He walked me to my door and waited until I was safe inside before he left. Tired of the day’s activities I fell asleep right when my body hit the bed.

Waking up I felt refreshed and alive. I had no plans until later in the evening with my mother and sister so I am excited to just relax. But before relaxation comes, I better go down to the lobby and grab my mail before I forget.

I slip on my pair of red, plaid pajama shorts, a fresh white t-shirt, some grey wool socks, toss my tangled curls in a bun and head out the door locking it before I leave. Harry is right, I do leave it unlocked way too much and I need to practice locking it. The elevator quickly arrives and I descend down to the lobby. Flipping through the many letters to find a magazine at the bottom of the large stack instantly made my short lived day a little better. Now I’ll have something to occupy my time for a good 2 minutes.

“Hey.” I turn to see Evan opening his mail box

“Oh! Hi.” I say a little surprised. Remembering the things he has done and said to make me lose all interest in him, but I refuse to be mean.

“Listen I just wanted to say I’m sorry for everything.”

“Oh.” Is all I manage to say.

“Yeah.” He looks down at the mail in his hands then back to me. “Listen, it is probably not my place to be telling you this but I think you should try to stay away from Harry.”

“What? Why?”

“Because there is something not right with him. I can’t tell what it is yet, but he doesn’t seem quite all, uh, there.” He twirls is pointer finger near the side of his head signaling crazy. He thinks Harry’s crazy? I mean he’s a little strange, but crazy? Sure he’s mysterious and maybe a bit demonic, but he’s also, sweet and gentle, and I can just see the passion flowing through his eyes and-

“Amelia.” Evan says bringing me back to reality.

“Uh-uh yeah.” I stutter trying to find my way back into the uncomfortable conversation.

“Just think about it. Okay.” I flinch when I feel his thumb come in contact with my cheekbone, pushing some loose strands of hair that have fallen around my face.

“I-uh-uh I've got to go.” I choke out and speed walk toward the elevator leaving him behind.

Once the doors open up to the 7th floor I let out a huge sigh and lean my drained body against the hallway wall.

“So you were talking to Evan?” I jump and let out a light scream not expecting anyone to be in the hallway, let alone Harry. I turn to see him not laughing at my expense like I thought he would. His face is stern, his eyes dark as he stares down at me only a few feet away. He takes his cigarette to his lips and inhales agonizingly slow. When he exhales he lowers his head, directing the smoke to his feet. The smoke clouding and forming around his legs disappearing before in touches the floor. He looks up towards me again, meeting my eyes, his still dark. “What did he say to you?”

“How did you know I was talk-”

“What did he say to you?” He says a little slower cutting me off.


“What did he say Amelia?” He demands.

“He said I should stay away from you.” I tell him my voice sounding small.

All he does is sigh while running his fingers through his hair.

After what felt like a lifetime he finally speaks up.

“And are you going to?” He asks quietly, looking down at his feet.

“Am I going to what?”

“Stay away from me?” He looks up the darkness is gone and replaced with an emotion that I cannot read.

I sigh looking down then looking back up again noticing him staring at me, burning holes right through me.

“No.” I let a small smile form across my lips.

The nameless emotion fades from his face and I see his muscles relax from under his shirt.

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