Chappy 1!

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Yush I named this chapter 'Chappy' deal with it!! 😂

Lucy's Pov

As me and Mira walked off the train into Magnolia. My old home.

"Wow, Lucy. Your home is beautiful." Mira-San exclaimed to me.

"Yeah, I suppose it is..." I said as I looked around.

"Ah, Okay where are we staying!?" Mira-San asked me.

"Oh, right! Follow me!"


'I hope they will forgive me....All of them. Even her....Even if she's a horrible sis-' i Was snapped out of my thoughts when Mira-San said "Lucy-San! I wanna go into town! Tomorrow we'll meet your old friends, Okay?" She said with that cheerful smile of hers.

"Yeah, sure! Hold on lemme go grab my purse and we can leave!"


"Lucy! That outfit would look amazing on you!" Mira-San exclaimed pointing at a outfit.

"Ah, Mira-San I don't know about that..."

"Nonsense! I'm buying it for you!" She exclaimed as she ran into the store.

She soon came back out of the store with a bag.


I was looking around and I saw this cuute dress! "Mira-San! That dress would look brilliant on you!"

"Ah, I've got enough clothes alrea-"before she could finish I put my pointer finger against her lips signaling to hush.

"You bought something for me so it's only good if I Buy something for you." I said as I ran into the store.


Me and Mira-San are on our way home when a little book shop caught my eye..."Levy's books!" I said out loud... couldn't be..."Mira-San can we go in here for a second?" I asked.


As I opened the door a little bell went off signaling that there was costumers.

"Hi, welcome to Levy-L-Lu-Chan...?" The little blue haired female asked as she stared at me.

"Levy-Chan it really is you! Mira-San this is Levy-Chan!"

"Give me a hug you Baka!" She exclaimed as she jumped into my arms sobbing.

I hugged her back "Shhhh, I'm here need to cry.." I said comforting her.

She backed away and wiped her tears."WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!???" She yelled.

"Uh, hehe. That's a story for another time. Oh, and this is Mira-San, She's been like a sister to me."

"Hi! I'm Levy Mcgarden!" Levy-Chan said as she put out her hand to shake.

"I'm MiraJane Strauss! It's nice to meet you!" Mira-San exclaimed as she shook Levy-Chans hand.

Levy-Chan gasped."S-Strauss..D-Does that mean your related to Lisanna Strauss...?" Levy-Chan asked.

We then heard a gasp from Mira. Why is everyone gasping?!

"No! She's not my sister! She might be by blood but Lucy-San is my only sister!" Mira exclaimed.

"Y-You're....Related....To...Lisanna..?"I said a bit scared but more upset that Mira didn't tell me.

"No! She's not my sister!"

"Y--Y-You do know that....She's the reason why I left..." I said.

And yet she gasped again!

"S-She's the reason?! Arghh! She's always been a trouble maker!" Mira exclaimed.

"Well....Levy-Chan I think we better go! It was nice seeing you! Please don't tell the others I'm here." I said as I waved walking to the door.

"Okay! Bye Lu-Chan!"

I flopped on my bed feeling the comfiness..."Ah, I missed you old bed..."
Just as I snuggled under my covers my phone started to ring"Uggh." I moped as i reached for my phone I grabbed it and look at the ID caller..."unknown?" I answered the phone"Hello?"

"So, it is you." The person on the other line said.

"Uh, Miss I think you've got the wrong numb-" before I could finish my sentence she cut me off.

"You are Lucy Heartfilia right?!" She asked me.

"Yes. Why? Who are you?" Just as I asked that the phone hung up.

I sighed as I crawled back under the covers.

"AHHHHH" i popped right up.

'That may have been Mira-San.' I thought to myself.
I opened my cabinet and grabbed a knife. I slowly walked to where the scream was.
I saw Mira-San on the floor crying "Mira-San! What happened!? Are you okay?" I asked.

She sobbed more."No! Sob...I spilled paint on my favorite outfit!!! Waaaaaaah"

I felt dumbfounded. I grabbed a knife for nothing? I worried for nothing"Gah! You idiot you made me worry!" I said as I gently smacked the back of her head.

I flopped onto my bed again sighing I could feel myself start falling asleep, before I knew it I was asleep.

I lazily opened my eyes seeing the sun hit my bed from my window.
I yawned as I got up and looked at my alarm clock "8:31...." I mumbled.

I walked into my bathroom and got dressed and did my makeup, brushed my hair and threw it into a side pony tail 'Today is the day I'll see them all again...."

To be continued...

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