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Long ass chapter so be prepared

Amelia's P.o.v.

  Death isn't something you should encounter a lot when your at my age. It isn't something that you're so used to happening that you can time exactly when it will happen in a situation. It isn't something that you should just be used to.

  And don't get me wrong, no matter how much you see it, when someone you love dies it will never not hurt. They were part of you and then Death came to your door and robbed them from you, taking away one of the only reasons you are even here today. And leaving you alone.

  Leaving you alone to think about why it happened.

  Leaving you alone to think about who would do it.

  Leaving you alone to blame yourself.

  I stood up slowly, allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness around me the best they could as I nudged Grace with my foot.

  "Grace," I whispered and nudged her once again as I pushed my messy hair from my face. "Wake up."

  "Hm?" She grunted, her voice muffled by the jacket she had been resting her face on, unlike me, who preferred to sleep on the ground than her on a soft surface.

  "What time is it?" I asked as she flipped onto her back and pulled up the sleeve of her sweaters.


  "In the morning?"


  She stretched put her hand and I gripped it tight, pulling her to feet as she yawned loudly.

  "I'm glad it didn't rain while we were asleep, I literally have like two clothes left and its shorts and a Thrasher hoodie." I said as Grace let out a slight laugh, plucking her jacket up off of the ground and flashings smile.

  "Shall we?"

  "Let's go." I smiled as we walked the dirt path back towards our camp grounds.

  "Dream about anything interesting?" She asked, trying to make light conversation.

  "Not really," I said with a shrug and turned my head towards her. "You?"

  "I had a dream that we found Casper in the middle of the woods, you know, my kitten I had when I was younger? And that he brought us to this house that had all these people in it but every time I tried to talk to them, the music that was was playing would get louder and they couldn't hear me. That lasted my whole dream, it was weird..." She trailed off and looked up, watching the clouds cover the moon.

  "Do you need to-"

  "Wait shut up." She said and came to a stop, sticking her arm out in front of me from keeping me to go any farther.



  I hesitated, listening to the howling wind and the river splashing along, but that's all I could hear.

  I turned towards Grace, informing her of the fact that I couldn't hear shit over the wind, when I finally heard it. Voices. People talking in the direction of our campsite which was never a good thing. Robbery was the forest word that popped into my head. That's where all of our stuff was.

  I knelt down, pulling the switch blade from my boot and handing into Grace as she stepped forward, her hands gripping onto the handle tightly as she began to walk towards the opening which I couldn't see from here.

  "Wait Gracie-"

  "Sh!" She said quickly and whipped around to look at me. "Just let me do this for you OK? I'll be right back." She whispered and flashed a smile before disappearing past the bushes.

  I hesitated before sitting on the ground, my thighs hitting the wet dirt as I impatiently waited for Grace to give me some signal she was okay. I always got so nervous when she went off by herself, its not like we could call each other to see if the other was okay so we just had to have faith in each other. And I was trying so hard to have faith that she would be okay.

  I touched my stomach as it grumbled and winced slightly. I had completely forgotten to eat to eat yesterday. I sighed and closed my eyes, thinking about what I was going to gather and make for dinner when voices erupted from the clearing.

  I jumped up, snatching Grace's jacket off of the floor and running towards the source of the voices.

  "Grace?!" I called as I hopped into the underbrush and looked around, panic emerging from me as I tried to find her.

  "Amelia, stay there! Don't move!" Grace yelled from somewhere to my right.

   I rolled my eyes and went to walk towards her when the unmistakable sound of a gun cocking from behind me could be heard.

  "I would listen to her." A male's voice said in a serious tone as Grace emerged from the trees with a women who from here looked like she could be in her late 20's.

  "I swear to god if you hurt her, I'll kill you." Grace said, her voice taking on a dark tone as the woman stepped forward slightly.

  "Listen, let's just negotiate, okay? Take whatever you want but leave us alone." I pleaded as the woman shot the guy behind me a look and he stepped forward.

  "Let's take a walk." He said to me and grabbed my arm tightly, leading me past Grace and the woman. Grace ripped out of the woman's grasp, grabbing me by my arms and hugging me tightly.

  "Here, here take this." She said in a shaky voice, stuffing something in my pocket and looking at me with a sad smile, her eyes filling to the brim with tears.

  I nodded and pulled off my favorite necklace in a swift motion, tossing in to Grace as the guy yanked me from her grip and continued to walk me away from her.

  "Don't fucking touch me!" Grace yelled from behind me as I closed me eyes, allowing the man to lead me at least 20 feet deeper into the woods before he pushed me to the floor and pulled cigarettes from his bag.

  "Want one while we're waiting?" He asked and handed me a cigarette, talking like nothing had just happened.

  "I don't smoke." I protested as he pulled out his lighter, lighting his own before he held the flame towards the one in my grasp.

  "There's a first time for everything."

  I hesitated before dropping the cigarette on the floor, looking up at his blurry figure with a distance.

  "Waste." He said before picking it up and stuffing it into his pocket.

  I watched him lean up against a tree, looking towards where we came like he was waiting for so something. Some signal.

   Just then I jumped up, screams echoing from where we just were before and for the second time in the past two days, my blood ran cold.

  A gunshot went off and broke the silence of the no longer so beautiful woods.

  "Well, looks like its that time." The man said with a sigh, dropping the cigarette and stomping on it.

  "What time? What just happened? Grace!" I yelled as tears exploded from my eyes.

  "I'll leave a box for you, in case you change your mind about it."

  "What? No, Grace! Is she okay?!"

  "Sorry, kid."

  Pain erupted through out my skull as he smacked me over the bad with something, hard.

  My knees buckled and I fell to the ground, my surroundings spinning as my vision began to fade into black.

  I closed my eyes and stuck my hand in my pocket, slowly pulling out the ring that Grace had slipped into my pocket and that was the last thing I saw before everything went black.

Flickers (Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes) °Book One°Where stories live. Discover now