Chapter 4 : A (Re)Conciliation?

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             Days goes by and Akido’s burns has healed. Everything was normal. But there was something in the three wolf’s head. Are we really going to be allies or is this just one more step to rivalry? it was then they set up where they will meet up and when.

            “Tell Reaf and Scar that we will be at the woods and I hope you know where at the woods. We’ll meet this morning when the sunlight starts to hit the peak of that mountain.” Akido said. The messenger wolfs nodded and ran to their alpha. Mirai walks out of the cave seeing that Akido was awake so early.

            “The sun hasn’t rise yet. Why are you up so early?” Akido looks at Mirai telling her that the two alphas sent messengers and ask where and when is the reconciliation.

            “I wonder if I can visit Levi. Is that fine with you?” Akido turns around looking at the woods then to the twinkling stars. Mirai walks closer to him and kisses him just near the cheek. Akido turns a hugs Mirai.

            “Alright you can go, but come back soon. You need to get some sleep or you’ll be late for the reconciliation.” Mirai told him. Akido walks to the woods and soon, Mirai heard his howl. He really wants Levi back...

            Time passes by the sunlight slowly rises to the Heaven’s peak the three alphas came to the woods just where Akido told them to meet up. The alphas brought some of their members to escort; Mirai and Lui was there also.

            “ that everyone’s here...what topic should we start?” Akido ask. Reaf, Scar and the others looks at each other. Reaf starts to stand and told Scar why did he attack Levi and Akido before.

           “Attack him? oh yes. I was told...I too, did not want to kill Levi or even you Akido.” Scar said. Akido looks angrily thinking that he was making things up. Akido ask who ordered to. “The old alpha before. I was just the wolf who hunts food for the pack. But then I was told to attack you two. I did not know why I was told to attack you. After Levi died, I became angry to be told that your pack was worthless. I attacked the alpha and that is how I became the alpha for this pack. Your father let me have the authority to live instead of dying just like how my father died by that rotten human. I really loved your father he’s like a hero. But then I hated you for what you’ve did. You may not remember the third week you were born. You can see, hear and walk but you are too mischievous. I just wanted to see your father but, you attack me for no reason. This scar I have on my eye, was left from that attack. I am still angry from the war before; you attacked my cousin. he is having trouble hunting and now he is in a bad shape. A scar is on his back just like you, Akido.” Scar explains his hatred and past. Akido nods and apologizes for his misunderstanding. Akido then explains that to be allies, we had to help each other. And so, he ask what Scar and Reaf needed or something they have troubling the pack. Reaf mostly says that resources is running low in his territory.

            “Because that we live in a place full of snow, food’s scarce...the pups are starving. If we don’t find a speck of animal, they may die.” Reaf looks down did not know what to say. Akido told him that there is a river in their territory they may share the river so they can find enough fish there. Akido told him to expand their territory more to the borders of the woods; the prairie is great to find food and a great tree is there and always blooming fruits. There is a chance that animals lives and eats by that tree. Scar did not talk at all; he did not want anything just Lui to be healed properly.

            “What about you Akido...” Reaf ask. Akido shook his head all he want is just peace with the wolf. No more fight, no more hatred, no more war. Just love and peace.

            Scar laugh, “A-hahaha! that will never happen. It will until I forgive you. Hurting my brother like that. I won’t hurt your pack, only if you leave us alone.” Reaf and his members growls wanted to attack Scar. Akido’s members leaps in front looking at Reaf and the others growling and telling to stop. “Like I said...peace? no hatred? Hah!” Akido didn't say much. He walks up to Lui. Lui was shaking madly in every step Akido made; left, right, left, right... Lui was trembling in fear scared and did not know what to do. Scar ran in front of Akido growing, “What do you think you’re doing?! Don’t you dare touch him!” Scar snapped. Akido stares blankly at Scar and ignored him walking closely and slowly to Lui. He stops about six to seven feet away from Lui. Akido shows him his scar. Lui was surprised that he have the same scar like his.

            “You look at me like I’m going to beat you up. You look at me like a monster. What do you think of your cousin? Do you think of him the same as me? He made this scar and I made those scars; Scar right eye and your back. What do you think of your cousin?” Akido sits and looks at Lui. Lui stops shaking and looks at Akido then to Scar. Lui became more and more confused and closes his eyes trying to think of an answer.

            “My cousin is the only one I have. He is the only member that cared for me. He is no monster the way I looked at him, because he had not done anything to me. But, I understand what you mean.” Lui said. Akido nods and looks at Scar, Reaf, and the others.

            “We have something in common but we never realized it. We have hatred that lived in the past. Scars that will stay forever either inside or outside. Loss and forgiveness that will never forgotten. We want something that is lost to be found again. We live in this forest and we are wolfs. Levi ask a question before he died. Why do we fight? Why does war exist? the question was a mystery. But then it was solved. We fight because we want to protect. War exist because of hatred. I protect something the most, and that is peace and love. I cared for Mirai, as well as Levi cared for me and Reaf’s hatred of Levi’s death, My hatred is the same. Scar’s hatred of the humans and as well as me. Why do I want peace instead of an uproar? Because, I don’t want to see another one die beside me. Not the one that I cared the most.”Akido said. Scar, Reaf and the others looks at each other and smiled. They nod their head with an understanding. “Lui, rest as much as possible and walk around every morning. Your wound won’t hurt that much then." Lui understood. “So that settles it. The reconciliation is finish. We as allies we protect. We do not fight and wars are no more.” The three packs walks to their territory happily.

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