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"Guys, I have good news!" Calum shouted as he walked into the room.

"Please tell me the pizza has arrived?" Michael said, a happy look on his face.

"No, but I got an email from that new tv show 'Married at First Sight'." Calum said, as he sat down on a chair across from his 3 best friends and band mates.

"Wasn't that the one where we were asked if we wanted to be on the show and instead ended up actually signing up for a marriage where we barely know the person?" Luke asked him.

"We wanted to get married, idiot. We weren't asked to be on the show, we were asked whether or not we wanted to get married to a complete stranger." Michael said as he flicked Luke on the head.

"Well, I got an email saying that they found us all a match." Calum said, a huge smile breaking out across his face.

"We are getting married?!" Ashton asked him as he jumped out of his seat.

The room was silent as Calum nodded his head.

"We are getting married!" Michael shouted as all 4 of them started yelling.

I hope you all like this and please tell me what you think of it.
This is like legit the same prologue from the original book though, so I haven't rewritten this because I didn't really feel like it had to be. If that makes sense?

If you have any questions at all about this book, feel free to message me.

- jess

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