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I hope the large, bold letters got your attention.

I have an announcement.

I will be re-writing this book and may/may not cancel out important parts of Undertale or its fan made musical.

One reason is that arranging the script and the songs is really tedious and takes FOREVER to do. I may still include those relevant to the plot, though.

Another reason is that it's redundant. I created this to foreshadow various plot details in my future planned books, but as I said earlier, it's tedious work and I don't think it's necessary to put so much time on this book which contained little plot.

Lastly, I'm an eager beaver. I had the four-book idea a long time ago and recently finished the following book to this and is starting on the last one, but because this book is progressing slow and I thought, "I can fill you guys up later. It's (this book) not much anyway."

Soooooo, I'll put this on a loooong hold and until the rest of the series are finished, I won't be working on this. I'm sorry but I have made up my mind.

Thanks for your time. Have a nice day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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