Scroll 1: Alibaba

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Night came by and I decided to find him tomorrow. He will be safe anyway because Ugo's vessel was with him. The room I rented was somewhat fairly good so I retired for the night.

The next day, I walked down the alleyways of Qishan and found out that it was a city full of slaves. It pained me to see this kind of treatment. It was one of the things that did not change after 14 years of absence. I reached a huge tower when I suddenly felt a harsh pull.

'Solomon! What in the world—Wait, is this a dungeon!? No way! Ahhh!' I landed down the floor rather harshly. My white hair covered my sight which annoyed me so I grab a thin cloth from my pocket and tied my hair. This change of color of my hair was a consequence for staying in the Sacred Palace and using too much of my magoi.

I stood up from the fall and analyzed the area I was at. It seemed to be some kind of cave with crystal clear water. I walked around to find some exit but I was obscured from everything by a giant insect. It stared at me with hunger in his eyes. Glaring back at it, I took out my sword and killed it. It was my biggest mistake. It turned out that they could multiply. They needed to be pulverize! More insects appeared and I decided to run for my life.

"What the hell is this dungeon!? Whose dungeon is this anyway!?" I shouted in frustration.

3rd POV

Aladdin and the blonde man, whom he came to know as Alibaba, were against a Desert Hyacinth. With his resolve, Alibaba asked Aladdin for his help to which he gladly accepted. The blue haired boy dropped down the barrels of wine which rendered the plant useless. They were finally saved so he dove down to fetch the blonde male. Aladdin gave him a smile and asked for a favor. A very simple favor which was to become his friend.

'Aladdin.' Alibaba grinned but their moment were ruined by the shout of wine trader. Ugo wiped them away before they rushed towards the dungeon. In no time, they reached the dungeon but Aladdin was far beyond exhausted. Alibaba hesitated in entering the dungeon but was forced when Aladdin passed out from exhaustion. Opening his eyes, he noticed that he was floating in water but there was something weird about it. It was covered in oil. He quickly snatched Aladdin's body before they burn in water.

"That was some kind of burning water. It burns way stronger than the oil you use for lamps. So if you think twice about taking that first step, then just like that, it's over, I guess." He was glad that he rushed out of the water as fast as possible for if not, then it would have cost their lives.

"This is amazing, Alibaba. So this is the dungeon huh?" He marveled. Alibaba smiled at that and affirmed that they were really inside the dungeon. They were surprised by a lot of things and especially now that they were running away from a rolling boulder. Using Ugo, Aladdin and Alibaba were saved but afterwards, Aladdin looked more than exhausted. His stomach growled as he explained how calling Ugo uses most of his strength.

"I... There's no need panic. I will find a way for us to get out this place and get some food." He pat his head but he ended up touching the head of an insect. He screamed in fear as Aladdin and him came face-to-face with the huge insect. He was surprised at how easy they were to take down but in the end, it formed a huge monster which blew fire. Aladdin forced himself to call out Ugo once more and the rukh fluttered around them as Ugo used his magic. The woman with white hair noticed the fluttering of the rukh so she quickly followed him.

"Aladdin!" She slid down the floor to cushion his fall. His face was so pale. Alibaba stared at her in surprise.


"Oh. You're that boy we saw earlier. I'm sorry I couldn't reach you sooner. I also didn't know that we will meet here out of all places. Come, I've found a place safer for him to rest. We should go there for the time being." He followed her.

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