399 13 1

Advice Request
This person is having some difficulty in coming to terms with their sexuality.

Answered Submission
Hi there!

First of all, congratulations on coming out to your sisters. That was such a huge step in your journey. You should be proud! I think the reason why you're feeling a bit strange and uncomfortable is that you have taken the step to tell your sisters about the real you. Before you came out, being trans was like your own secret, and now you have shared it, and, as a result, shared a huge part of yourself with them. I reckon it's perfectly normal to feel the way you do. You should still be proud of being trans and of coming out. Don't regret telling them. The fact that you did tell them means that you felt ready to, so it only feels strange because you can now be yourself around them without having to hide a big part of yourself.

Don't let them pressure you into telling anyone else until you are completely ready. Only you can make the decision of who you tell and when you tell them. Explain this to your sister(s), and let them understand your situation. The good thing about them knowing and accepting you is  that you can now talk to them and express your concerns and worries.

I would advise you to speak to a medical professional, maybe at a gender identity clinic (GIC), who will be able to speak to you about how you are feeling, what you can do now, and what your future might hold. They'll be more educated on how to help you feel better.

It is true that you might face some people who will not like the decisions you have made about your lifestyle, but remember that it is not their life—it's yours. So as long as you are happy and comfortable with who you are, then the people who aren't okay with it don't matter.

You don't need to make any big decisions right now. You can take as long as you need to.

Keep strong, and stay proud,

The Advice Column Team

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