She was just hoping it would be a quiet vacation this time. That maybe this time, everything would happen without any unreasonable catastrophe.

No more being taken by dark wizards. No more power-hungry people looking to use some magical beasts as a weapon.

If only, if only...

After getting ready and helping Newt feed the beasts, the two of them headed to the top deck of the ship. They sat on a bench, seeing the harbor of New York getting closer and closer. ______'s eyes widened, seeing her old home in the background. "Look Newt, you can see the Statue of Liberty already from all the way out here!"

Newt looked out, looking over at exactly what she was staring over at. "I bet it looks even better up close," Newt told her. "I never really visited it the entire time I was over here."

"You didn't?" ______ asked, shocked. "We should go see it! We can go right to the very top, and look out on the entire city. You wouldn't think it would be that special of a sight, but Newt, you should see it. Especially at night. It's the city of lights, and everything feels alive. I would always call it such a wicked old city, but at night from the top of the statue, it felt alive. It felt like maybe there were better things to New York than all of the things I was experiencing."

Newt looked over at her, drinking in every word that she was telling him. He never really heard her talk about New York in an endearing manner before, but then again, she had her reasons. Maybe all the distance she put between herself and New York gave her a new perspective. After all, when she was living there, life wasn't exactly the best. She worked at a factory with a foreman who tried taking advantage of her, and she didn't really have anyone.

Not until Newt came around.

Newt leaned over, kissing the top of her head. "I'd love to see a place like that," Newt told her. "It seems like it means a lot to you, so I wouldn't miss it for anything."

______ leaned over, resting her head on his shoulder. She managed to convince Newt to ditch the layers upon layers of clothes he usually wore, telling him that New York six months into the year wasn't exactly going to be weather you'd want to wear lots of layers in. So, he was down to a simple summer outfit. Dress shirt, suspenders, dark blue dress pants and a black tie, which he left undone. Her fingers went to the front of his shirt, playing with the brown suspenders. "So, once we get to their house, what's the plan?"

Newt leaned his head over, resting it softly against hers. "Well, I figured we'd stay for dinner, and then tomorrow we'd go around the town and see all the things we've been thinking about. Like I said, I have a certain bakery I want to find."

"And we'll find it together," ______ told him. "Do you think Tina and Queenie would want to see the city with us?"

"I'm not sure, they might have to work."

"Oh, right," ______ said, her hands sliding towards the top of his suspenders before letting go of them. The last time she met Tina and Queenie, she had been out for a few days and was still a little disoriented from being out for so long. The two of them were incredibly kind for coming all the way across the sea to help Newt, but they didn't really stay long. She always wished that she'd get to know them more.

Especially Tina. She seemed like a complicated person, like everything about her wasn't on the surface. It was obvious she cared for Newt, and that much ______ appreciated about her. She was there to help Newt when she couldn't be – when she was the cause of his worry. She always felt so bad that the two of them left before she could really show any real form of thanks.

Well, besides what she and Queenie discussed. She remembered their conversation, about what Queenie said about Tina's feelings for Newt. It's been so long, ______ thought. Surely, Tina would've gotten over Newt. She just didn't want Tina to be mad at her from the start about something that ______ couldn't exactly have complete control over – she didn't get to choose who she loved, and she didn't make newt love her back either. It just happened that way.

Surely Tina was adult enough to understand that.

The boat whistle went off as they arrived into the docks, and Newt and ______ got up, grabbing their things and heading to the exit. As the two of them got through security checks and passport checks, they were good to go – stepping into the city of New York. ______ looked over at Newt. "So, the Goldstein's place?" she asked, reaching her hand out.

Newt look it, smiling just a little. "Let's go," he told her as they began to walk down the streets of New York. Just a few months ago, Newt was still blushing every time he and ______ showed affection in public, even if it was something as small as holding hands. Finally, it became second nature, and ______ made everyone else just an afterthought.

Getting to the foot of their building, ______ and Newt stepped into a mostly empty alleyway, Newt getting into his case. Sure, he could've apparated the two of them up there, but ______ was having such fun with the idea of sneaking him onto somewhere for once, and who was he to take away her excitement?

She walked past the owner of building without them giving her even a second glance, heading up to the Goldstein's apartment. Since they knew about ______ and Newt's arrival, they kept the door unlocked. She walked in the apartment, putting down Newt's case and giving it a gentle knock before looking around their home.

______ had seen some domestic magic with Newt, but wow. These two really went all out when it came to using magic in a home setting. They had clothes drying by the fire, floating my themselves, dishes that were doing themselves and the entire home just felt sort of... magical. Just walking in, ______ knew right away that this was a special space.

Newt emerged from his case, looking around the Goldstein apartment. "Are they here?" he asked, securing the locks of his case.

______ turned to him. "I don't think so. If they have, maybe they didn't hear the two of us come in."

"No, I suppose they're just at work," Newt said. "We should wait for them. Do you want something to drink? I don't think they'd be upset if I made us something to drink."

"Yeah, I'd love something to drink," ______ told him, sitting down carefully on the couch and watching him walk to the kitchen. She was entranced by his every move, even as he stumbled looking for where they kept cups and kettles. Everything about Newt, all his little quirks and words were special to her. They all meant something to her, and Newt just wouldn't be Newt if he lost even a single one of them.

The only thing that changed about him from the time they met is he got a lot better at speaking up, and sometimes he was the one to make bold moves. He always did so with a little stutter, a little hesitation, and of course, not much eye contact. But she was used to that, it was one of the many things that just made Newt, well, Newt.

They sat in the living room for what felt like hours, and right as the two of them began to worry, the Goldstein sisters came stumbling into their apartment. Immediately, Tina began to apologize. "Oh! Newt, ______, I'm so sorry we kept you waiting. You'd never believe it, but we kind of have a huge situation happening over here at the moment."

Those were just the words Newt feared. "What kind of situation?" Newt asked, fear clear in his voice.

The look in Tina's eyes and her words made his heart sink. "It's... beast related. And I think maybe you could help."

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