"Wait, Harry," Hermione said, remembering her original target. "Why are you so eager for us to come for dinner?"

"No reason," Harry mumbled. "Just having some people over and wanted you to join."

"People? Which people?"

Harry considered lying before remembering that his friend could more or less read his mind.

"Just Malfoy at the moment," he said nonchalantly.

Ron immediately howled with laughter.

"Progressed to dates now, have you? The physical relationship wasn't enough?"

Hermione snorted before managing to school her features.

"Why don't you try Luna?" she asked. "She was just saying she hasn't seen you in a while last time I ran into her."

"Great idea!"


"Harry! How lovely to see you!"

Luna beamed down at Harry, who was hovering with his head in her fireplace.

She was carrying a large metal contraption that looked like some sort of torture device.

"Er, Luna, what is that thing?"

"Oh this?" she asked as though just remembering she was holding it. "It's for the garden. To keep the Swufflemums out of the house, you see."

Harry nodded.

"Ah, of course."

"Would you like to help me set it up?"

Harry shook his head.

"Actually, I'm trying to collect dinner guests right now. Are you interested?"

"Oh I'd love to join you for dinner!"

"Really?" Harry asked, relieved. "Great! It's tomorrow at seven."

Her face fell.

"Oh, tomorrow? I have a date."


Harry waited for more but Luna didn't supply him with any names.

He sighed, nerves rising in him again and feeling less self-conscious with Luna, he explained.

"I invited Draco Malfoy over thinking more people would come but now everyone's busy."

Luna tilted her head thoughtfully.

"Have you asked Neville?"

"No," Harry said. "I'll try him next."

Luna smiled.

"Well, perhaps next time."

Harry nodded, taking the dismissal.

"Right, for sure. Good luck with the--"

"Swufflemums," she said patiently.


"Oh and Harry," she said over her shoulder before he pulled his head back into his flat. "Have fun on your date."

"What? No--"

Harry watched her retreating back and sighed heavily.

He sat back into his flat long enough for the fire to take him to Neville's house the next time he leaned his head into it.

To his surprise, Neville and Seamus were animatedly discussing the merits of blondes versus brunettes when Harry's head arrived in the fireplace.

Harry raised a brow, wondering how this had even gotten started while Seamus began a tirade and then stopped mid sentence when his eyes landed on Harry.

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