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AN: Yes. I returned from the dead to update this story 💀 I can't believe I abandoned it for so long. It's been on my mind to complete for years now! WTH! I love all you guys. Thank you for the reviews and love on my stories. You are amazing for reading this. I'll try to finish it asap. <3 Drarry deserves their happy ending in this one.

Harry fidgeted as Hermione rambled something about the ministry. 

"Harry! You're tuning me out again!"

He grimaced, realizing she was right. He'd barely been able to look away from the door since arriving at The Dragon's Tail to meet his friends. He wanted to be the first to greet Draco when he arrived, especially since he hadn't yet told them that Draco was even joining them.

"Sorry," he muttered. "I'm just--"

"Waiting for someone?" Hermione asked, following the direction of his gaze.

Harry shrugged awkwardly.

"Malfoy?" she guessed with a raised brow and then at Harry's expression, her eyes widened. "Oh. Wow. You may have wanted to mention that."

She glanced around anxiously and Harry did the same.

It was a group get together. A bunch of friends meeting for a night out. Just a couple friendly drinks. He was standing near the bar with Hermione. Ron, Dean, Ginny and Seamus were crowded into a little booth that Harry would rather run through fire than join. Luna and Neville were the only two people in the pub dancing--and it was a very strange display. Harry couldn't quite tell who was leading but even he could tell that they had no rhythm.

"Some of the people here might not be too happy to see him, you know. What were you thinking?"

She had been so supportive of Harry moving on and treating Draco, that he hadn't thought that she would mind, but the anxious look on her face said otherwise.

"To be honest, I just couldn't bare another one of Ron's jokes."

She nodded thoughtfully.

"Hm. Probably something about how introducing him to your friend is the natural progression for your relationship."

"Thanks Hermione," he deadpanned. "I was trying to avoid the jokes."

She chuckled.


"I thought if he just showed up, everyone would be forced to be polite, you know?"

She sighed. 

"Maybe, but this is a room full of Gryffindors from his year. None of us saw him in a good light to begin with and then during the war--"

Harry groaned.

"This was a bad idea, wasn't it?"

"Well, I don't know. The fact that he is willing to come meet us all does say a lot. Obviously he's matured and--oh my god. Harry, you did tell him we were coming, didn't you?"

Harry cringed.

"I may have forgotten that part."

"Oh no! Harry! This is bad. This is a train wreck. No wonder you were worried!"

Ron suddenly appeared behind her, dropping an arm around her shoulders.

"What's going on?" he asked. "Everything okay?"

"No!" Hermione said. "Harry invited Malfoy to join us but he didn't mention that we would all be here."

Ron gaped.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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